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From: Guy Harris <guy@netapp.com>
Subject: More on TI-RPC
To: lwn@lwn.net
Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2000 15:57:45 -0800 (PST)

I forgot to mention that part of the Sun announcement:

	TI-RPC is one of the foundations of NFS, and a key component of
	the security advancements in version 4. 

suggests that Sun's rationale for releasing that code is to make
available implementations of the GSS API authentication flavor for ONC
RPC - the earlier RPC releases might have included support for the DES
authentication flavor (which, as I remember, has had the public-key part
of it cracked) or the Kerberos authentication flavor (which used
Kerberos V4, not V5), but had no support for the GSS API flavor, which
allows one to plug in authentication mechanisms (including a Kerberos
V5-based flavor) that support the GSS API.