FIRST LINUX DISTRIBUTION WITH FULL KLINGON SUPPORT Champion Server 1.2 Gains New Language Option April 1, 2000 -- LOVELAND, Colorado -- Terra Soft Solutions, Inc., the leading developer of PowerPC Linux solutions, has announced the latest improvement to Yellow Dog Linux. Champion Server now includes exciting new language support by default. Champion Server 1.2 was released earlier this year as an important update to the Champion Server product line. Today, Terra Soft is adding announcing a new feature to add to the power of Champion Server 1.2... Klingon language support. "We've decided to ship with the default language set to Klingon," states Kai Staats, CEO of Terra Soft Solutions. The decision to change the default language from English was decided after the company received hundreds of emails about the competition's product shipping with Japanese support activated by default. "It's simple and easy to learn," notes Terra Soft developer Stephen Edie, "I picked it up in just a few months and now I'm enjoying the power of Yellow Dog in Klingon". Champion Server is shipping today. About Terra Soft Solutions, Inc. Terra Soft Solutions, Inc. is a leading developer of innovative technologies for PowerPC Linux. Champion Server, their flagship product, has boosted viability of Linux for PowerPC in a wide range of server applications. For more information, please visit and Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds. PowerPC is a trademark of IBM Corp. Apple, iMac, Mac, Mac OS, PowerBook, and Power Mac are registered trademarks of Apple Computer Inc. All other names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.