Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2000 14:58:34 -0700 From: Marshall <bind@CTS.COM> Subject: The Sentinel Project To: BUGTRAQ@SECURITYFOCUS.COM Hello, Sentinel, a new utility for use of remote promiscuous detection, has been released. The Sentinel project is designed to be a portable accurate implementation of all publicly known remote promiscuous detection techniques. Sentinel currently supports 3 methods of detection: DNS tests, ARP tests, and ICMP Etherping tests. ICMP Ping latency tests are still under development. Sentinel was was developed under OpenBSD 2.6 and the majority of testing targeted a Linux 2.2.14 machine in promiscuous mode. During the development of Sentinel, I discovered that etherping testing which was known only to work against older linux kernels still does work in the 2.2.x kernels. Differences between Antisniff & Sentinel in the same environment: * DNS Testing: Sentinel was successful in detecting the machine running a sniffer, Antisniff was not. * Etherping Testing: Sentinel was successful in detecting the 2.2.14 machine in promiscuous mode and by default, Antisniff was not. * Antisniff supports ping latency tests, which Sentinel currently does not. Although, Antisniff's ping latency test was unable to detect a machine in promiscuous mode. Sentinel Homepage: -bind