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Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2000 18:45:28 -0300
From: Andreia Shibayama 
To: lwn@lwn.net
Subject: Conectiva firms partnership with CCA to distribute municipal 
 administration software

Conectiva firms partnership with CCA to distribute municipal
administration software
Conectiva has just firmed a partnership with the CCA
Consulting & Administration, with the objective of
distributing the "SIAM Linux" package -Integrated System of
Municipal Administration. (by Andréia Shibayama)

Curitiba, May 2000 -Conectiva has just firmed a partnership
with the CCA Consulting & Administration
http://www.ccanet.com.br, with the objective of
distributing the "SIAM Linux" package -Integrated System of
Municipal Administration. 

	It describes an economic and trust-worthy solution for the
automation in administrating council offices, capable of
reaching all sectors in municipal administration, and can be
totally executed by Conectiva Linux, reducing cost and
promoting stable and robust functioning. 

	The SIAM project was released in 1989, with the objective
of attending municipal needs in terms of software. A low
cost software was in need, yet stable and robust, of easy
maintenance, and especially allowing the system to be
integrated. The first version had Interactive Unix as the
operating system and Joiner as a programming language. 

	In 1997, the CCA chose the use of Linux as operating
system, and MAX as development tool. The main concern with
this change was to maintain the initial profile of the
system. The evaluation of SIAM Linux was quite positive,
costs were greatly reduced, the processing speed increased,
becoming a technologically updated product, and consequently
more competitive. 

	The system is composed of the following modules: General
Administration, Finance, Estate, Tributary and Human
Resource Department. 

	They are all integrated, in real time, and own one only
register, where-at can be found all persons and companies
who have had some relation with Municipal Council,
accelerating the decision making process. 

	Among other applications, SIAM also allows the
administration to make available to contributors a via
Internet reference to the Municipal Property Tax, till
processing sent to the Law archives, among others, this
because the system is prepared to integrate the world wide

	Various Offices in the state of Rio Grande do Sul are
already using this solution, among them the Mayor's Offices
of Arroio do Sal, Charqueadas, Rio Grande, Viamão and

	"The partnership with Conectiva will allow the product to
spread all over Brazil, leaving the southern sphere, since
distribution will be magnified through Conectiva's channels.
It will also be possible to achieve greater polishing in the
Linux world, besides accompanying the constant technological
updating made on Linux" said Leandro Rose, director of CCA. 

	Through this partnership, CCA will be responsible for the
development and updating of software, while the whole
support, training and distribution campaign will be handled
by Conectiva. Greater information may be obtained by e-mail: