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Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 16:32:01 -0600
From: Alan Robertson <alanr@suse.com>
To: ha-linux List <linux-ha@muc.de>,
Subject: Heartbeat 0.4.8 now on web site


We've finally put Version 0.4.8 of heartbeat up on the web!

This is major, stable, release.

As a bonus, the tar includes the code for the Stonith reference
	implementation, and the beginning of the heartbeat API (these also
	on the CVS repository)

  + Updated to Jacob Rief's ldirectord version 1.9.  
  + Made the order of resource takeover more rational:  Takeover is now
    left-to-right, and giveup is right-to-left
  + Changed the default port number to our official IANA port number
  + Regularized more messages, eliminated some redundant ones.
  + Print the version of heartbeat when starting.
  + Hosts now have 3 statuses {down, up, active} active means that it
	knows that all its links are operational, and it's safe to send
	cluster messages
  + Significant revisions to nice_failback (mainly due to lclaudio)
  + More SuSE-compatibility. Thanks to Friedrich Lobenstock
  + Tidied up logging so it can be to files, to syslog or both (Horms)
  + Tidied up build process (Horms)
  + Updated ldirectord to produce and install a man page and be
    compatible with the fwmark options to The Linux Virtual Server
  + Added log rotation for ldirectord and heartbeat using logrotate
    if it is installed
  + Added Audible Alarm resource by Kirk Lawson <lklawson@heapy.com> 
    and myself (Horms)
  + Added init script for ldirectord so it can be run independently
    of heartbeat (Horms)
  + Added sample config file for ldirectord (Horms)
  + An empty /etc/ha.d/conf/ is now part of the rpm distribution
    as this is where ldirectord's configuration belongs (Horms)
  + Minor startup script tweaks.  Hopefully, we should be able to make
	core files should we crash in the future.  Thanks to Holger
	 Kiehl for diagnosing the problem!
  + Fixed a bug which kept the "logfile" option from ever working.
  + Added a TestCluster test utility.  Pretty primitive so far...
  + Fixed the serial locking code so that it unlocks when it shuts down.
  + Lock heartbeat into memory, and raise our priority
  + fixed incessant whining about no one owning local resources, if
    weren't any defined.   Other minor fixes, too...

The nice_failback code has been very extensively tested - more so than
any previous version of heartbeat.  It was tested with the new
TestCluster tool.

SO... It includes lots of new fixes...  Lots of new features!

Give it a try!

Now, on to the API...

I'm aiming for a 0.5 release which is in really good shape, including
the API.

	-- Alan Robertson