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Date: Sun, 8 Oct 2000 21:46:46 -0400 (EDT)
From: rbb@apache.org
To: announce@apache.org, ml-apache@unix-ag.org
Subject: Apache 2.0a7 Released

Apache 2.0alpha7 Released

The Apache Group is pleased to announce the release of the seventh public
alpha release of Apache 2.0.  

Apache 2.0 offers numerous enhancements, improvements and performance
boosts over the 1.3 codebase. The most visible and noteworthy addition
is the ability to run Apache in a hybrid thread/process mode on any
platform that supports both threads and processes.  This has shown to
improve the scalability of the Apache HTTPD server significantly in
our early testing, on some versions of Unix.  This release also
greatly improves the performance and robustness of Apache on the
Microsoft Windows Operating Systems.  Lastly we are proud to announce
support for BeOS in this version of the server.

The newest development in Apache 2.0 is the addition of input filtering.
This allows modules to filter data before the core server receives it from
the network.  The sixth alpha had support for output filtering only, this
alpha adds input filtering as well.  This feature is still in its infancy, 
and it is likely to change and evolve in the next few weeks.

Apache 2.0a7 under UNIX has undergone some testing, but there are some
known issues in the current release (hey, it is an "alpha" for a
reason!). It is intended for developers and experienced Apache HTTPD
administrators to play around with and work on. It is not a production
release. If you do not feel comfortable compiling and working with
code, the Apache Group strongly recommends that you wait for a more
stable beta release before you try this version.

Apache 2.0a7 under Windows has undergone some testing as well.  There
are known issues in the current release with regards to Apache on windows
95 and 98.  We are working through those problems, and hope to have them
fixed for future releases of the 2.0 alpha.

There are new snapshots of the Apache httpd source available every 6
hours from http://dev.apache.org/from-cvs/apache-2.0/ - please
download and test if you feel brave. We don't guarantee anything
except that it will take up disk space, but if you have the time and
skills, please give it a spin on your platforms.

Apache has been the most popular web server on the Internet since
April of 1996. The May 2000 WWW server site survey by Netcraft (see:
http://www.netcraft.co.uk/Survey/) found that more web servers were
using Apache than any other software running on more than 60% of the
Internet web servers.

For more information, please check out http://www.apache.org/httpd.html

Changes with Apache 2.0a7
  *) Fix mod_log_config so that it compiles cleanly with BUFFERED_LOGS
     [Mike Abbott <mja@sgi.com>]

  *) Remove ap_send_fb.  This is no longer used in Apache, and it doesn't
     make much sense, because Apache uses buckets instead of BUFFs now.
     [Ryan Bloom]

  *) send_the_file now falls back to a read/write loop on platforms that
     do not have sendfile.
     [Ryan Bloom and Brian Havard]

  *) Install apachectl correctly, and substitute the proper values so
     that it works again.  [Ryan Bloom]

  *) Better(??) handle platforms that lack sendfile().
     [Jim Jagielski]

  *) APR now has UUID generation/formatting/parsing support.
     [Greg Stein]

  *) Begin the http_filter.  This is an input filter that understands
     the absolute basic amount required to parse an HTTP Request.  The
     goal is to be able to split headers from request body before passing
     the data back to the other filters.
     [Ryan Bloom]

  *) Bring forward from 1.3.13 the config directory implementation
     [Jim Jagielski]

  *) install apxs if it is created
     [Ryan Bloom]

  *) Added APR_IS_STATUS_condition test macros to eliminate canonical error
     conversions.  [William Rowe]

  *) Now that we have ap_add_input_filter(), rename ap_add_filter() to 
     ap_add_output_filter().  [Jeff Trawick]

  *) Multiple build and configuration fixes
    Build process:

      -add datadir and localstatedir substitutions
      -fix layout name
      -fix logfilename misspelling
      -fix evaluation of installation dir variables and
      -replace $foobar by $(foobar) to be usefull in the makefile
    Cross compile:
      -add rules for cross-compiling in rules.mk. Okay, rule to check for
       $CC_FOR_BUILD is still missing
      -use CHECK_TOOL instead of CHECK_PROG for ranlib
      -add missing "AR=@AR@" to severaly Makefile.in's
      -cache result for "struct rlimit"
      -compile all helper programs with native and cross compiler
       and use the native version to generate header file
     ["Rüdiger" Kuhlmann <Tadu@gmx.de>]

  *) Prepare our autoconf setup for autoconf 2.14a and for cross-
     ["Rüdiger" Kuhlmann <Tadu@gmx.de>]

  *) Fix a bug where a client which only sends \n to delimit header
     lines (netcat) gets a strange looking HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED 
     message.  Start working on ebcdic co-existance with input 
     [William Rowe, Greg Ames]

  *) If mod_so is enabled in the server always create libexec, even
     if there are no modules installed in this directory.  This is a
     requirement for APXS to work correctly.
     [Ryan Bloom]

  *) Connection oriented output filters are now stored in the 
     conn_rec instead of the request_rec.  This allows us to add the
     output filter in the pre-connection phase instead of the
     post_read_request phase, which keeps us from trying to write an
     error page before we have a filter to write to the network.
     [Ryan Bloom, Jeff Trawick, and Greg Ames]

  *) Cleaning up an mmap bucket no longer deletes the mmap.  An
     mmap can be used across multiple buckets (default_handler with
     byte ranges, mod_file_cache, mod_mmap_static), so cleanup of
     the mmap itself can't be associated with the bucket.
     [Jeff Trawick]

  *) Add .dll caching directive ISAPICacheFile to mod_isapi.
     [William Rowe]

  *) Radical surgery to improve mod_isapi support under Win32.
     Includes a number of newer ServerSupportFunction calls, support
     for ReadClient (in order to retrieve POSTs greater than 48KB),
     and general bug fixes to more reliably load ISAPI .dll's and
     prevent leaking handle resources.  Note: There are still 
     discrepancies between IIS's and Apache's ServerVariables, and
     async calls are still not supported.  Additional warnings are
     logged to facilitate debugging of unsupported ISAPI calls.
     [William Rowe]

  *) Add input filtering to Apache.  The basic idea for the input
     filters is the same as the ideas for output filters.  The biggest
     difference is that instead of calling ap_pass_brigade, ap_get_brigade
     should be called, and the order of execution for the filter itself is
     different.  When writing an output filter, a brigade is passed in,
     and filters operate directly on that brigade, when done, they call
     ap_pass_brigade.  Input filters are the exact opposite.  Because input
     is not a push operation, filters first call ap_get_brigade.  When this
     function returns, the input filter will be left with a valid brigade.
     The input filter should then operate on the brigade, and return.
     [Ryan Bloom]

  *) Fix building on BSD/OS using its native make. The build system
     falls back to the BSD .include directive on that host platform.
     [Sascha Schumann]

  *) Expand dbmmanage to allow -d -m -s -p options for Crypt, MD5,
     SHA1 and plaintext password encodings.  Make feature tests a
     bit more flexible.  [William Rowe]

  *) Charset translation: mod_charset_lite handles output content 
     translation in a filter.  mod_charset_lite no longer ignores 
     subrequests.  A bunch of cruft related to BUFF's support for
     translating response bodies was removed.  [Jeff Trawick]

  *) Move the addition of the CORE filter to the post_read_request
     hook in http_core.c.  This removes the need to add the filter in
     multiple places and allows for an SSL module to be added much
     simpler. [Ryan Bloom]

  *) Fix a security problem that affects certain configurations of
     mod_rewrite. If the result of a RewriteRule is a filename that
     contains expansion specifiers, especially regexp backreferences
     $0..$9 and %0..%9, then it may be possible for an attacker to
     access any file on the web server. [Tony Finch]

  *) Fix a bug where errors that are detected during early request parsing
     don't produce visible HTTP error messages at the browser, because
     the core_filter wasn't present.  [Greg Ames]

  *) Provide apr_socklen_t as a portability aid. 
     [Victor  J. Orlikowski]

  *) Overhaul of dbmmanage to allow a groups arg (as in Apache 1.2)
     as well as a comment arg to the add, adduser and update cmds.
     update allows the user to clear or preserve pw/groups/comment.
     Fixed a bug in dbmmanage that prevented the check option from 
     parsing a password followed by :group... text.  Corrected the
     seed calcualation for Win32 systems, and added -lsdbm support.
     [William Rowe]

  *) Configured mod_auth_dbm to compile with sdbmlib under Win32.
     [William Rowe]

  *) Avoid a segfault when parsing .htaccess files.  An 
     uninitialized tree pointer was passed to ap_build_config().
     [Jeff Trawick]

  *) Change the way that inet_addr & inet_network are checked for
     in APR's configure process to allow BeOS BONE to correctly
     find them. With this change BeOS BONE now builds from source
     with no problems.  [David Reid]

  *) Fix a bug in apr_create_process() for Unix.  The NULL signifying
     the end of the parameters to execve() was stored in the wrong
     location, overlaying the storage beyond the newargs[] array and 
     also passing uninitialized storage to execve(), which would 
     sometimes fail with EFAULT.  [Jeff Trawick]

  *) Fix a bug parsing configuration file containers.  With a sequence
     like this in the config file

       <IfModule mod_kilroy.c>
       any stuff
       <IfModule mod_lovejoy.c>
       (blank line)
       any stuff

     the second container would be terminated at the blank line due to
     sediment in the buffer from reading the prior </IfModule> and an 
     error message would be generated for the real </IfModule> for the
     second container.  Also due to this problem, any two characters 
     could be used for "</" in the close of a container.  
     [Jeff Trawick]

  *) ap_add_filter prototype changed to remove the ctx pointer.  The
     pointer still remains in the filter structure, but it can not be
     a part of the ap_add_filter prototype.  The reason is that when
     the core uses AddFilter to add a filter to the stack it doesn't
     know how to allocate the ctx pointer, or even how much memory should
     be allocated.  The filters will have to be responsible for allocating
     the ctx memory when they need it.
     [Ryan Bloom]

  *) Add an AddFilter directive.  This directive takes a list of filters
     that should be activated for the requested resource.
     [Ryan Bloom]

  *) apr_snprintf(): Get quad format strings working on OS/390 (and perhaps
     some other platforms).  [Jeff Trawick]

  *) Modify mod_include to be a filter.  Currently, it has only been tested
     on actual files, but it should work for CGI scripts too.
     [Ryan Bloom]

  *) apr_putc(), apr_puts() for Unix: handle buffered files and interrupted
     writes.  apr_flush() for Unix: handle interrupted writes.
     [Jeff Trawick]

  *) NameVirtualHost can now take "*" as an argument instead of
     an IP address. This allows you to create a purely name-based
     virtual hosting server that does not have any IP addresses in
     the configuration file and which ignores the local address
     of any connections. PR #5595, PR #4455 [Tony Finch]

  *) Fix some compile warnings in mod_mmap_static.c
     [Mike Abbott <mja@sgi.com>]

  *) Fix chunking problem with CGI scripts.  The general problem was that
     the CGI modules were adding an EOS bucket and then the core added an
     EOS bucket.  The chunking filter finalizes the chunked response when it
     encounters an EOS bucket.  Because two EOS buckets were sent, we
     finalized the response twice.  The fix is to make sure we only send one
     EOS, by utilizing a flag in the request_rec.
     [Ryan Bloom]

  *) apr_put_os_file() now sets up the unget byte appropriately on Unix
     and Win32.  Previously, the first read from an apr_file_t set up via
     apr_put_os_file() would return a '\0'.  [Jeff Trawick]

  *) Mod_cgid now creates a single element bucket brigade, with a pipe
     bucket, instead of using BUFF's and ap_r*.
     [Ryan Bloom]

  *) APRVARS.in no longer overwrites the EXTRA_LIBS variable.
     [Mike Abbott <mja@sgi.com>]

  *) Remove ap_bopenf from buff code.  This required modifying the file_cache
     code to use APR file's directly instead of going through BUFFs.
     [Ryan Bloom]

  *) Fix compile break on some platforms for mod_mime_magic.c
     [John K. Sterling <sterling@covalent.net>]

  *) Fix merging of AddDefaultCharset directive.
     PR #5872 (1.3) [Jun Kuriyama <kuriyama@imgsrc.co.jp>]

  *) Minor revamp of the rlimit sections of code. We now test
     explicitly for setrlimit and getrlimit. Also, unixd_set_rlimit()
     is now "available" even if the platform doesn't support
     the rlimit family (it's just a noop though). [Jim Jagielski]

  *) Migrate the pre-selection of which MPM to use for specific
     platforms to hints.m4, which contains (or should contain)
     all platform specific "hints". [Jim Jagielski]

  *) Remove IOLs from Apache.  With filtering, IOLs are no longer necessary
     [Ryan Bloom]

  *) Add tables with non-string/binary values to APR.
     [Ken Coar]

  *) Fix some bad calls to ap_log_rerror() in mod_rewrite. 
     [Jeff Trawick]

  *) Update PCRE to version 3.2.  [Ryan Bloom]

  *) Change the way buckets' destroy functions are called so that
     they can be more directly used when changing the type of a
     bucket in place. [Tony Finch]

  *) Add generic support for reference-counting the resources used by
     buckets, and alter the HEAP and MMAP buckets to use it. Change
     the way buckets are initialised to support changing the type of
     buckets in place, and use it when setting aside TRANSIENT buckets.
     Change the implementation of TRANSIENT buckets so that it can be
     mostly shared with IMMORTAL buckets, which are now implemented.
     [Tony Finch]