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Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 04:43:25 +0100
From: Wichert Akkerman <wichert@cistron.nl>
To: lwn@lwn.net
Subject: vlock vulnerability

The vlock problem was tracked down to improper signal
handling which could cause problems if pam_pwdb was used.

This also means that since Debian never used pam_pwdb but
uses pam_unix instead it isn't vulnerable.


 /       Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool     \
| wichert@cistron.nl                  http://www.liacs.nl/~wichert/ |
| 1024D/2FA3BC2D 576E 100B 518D 2F16 36B0  2805 3CB8 9250 2FA3 BC2D |