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From: "Ken" <kpooley@sewanee.edu>
To: <mws@midgard-project.org>
Subject: Subject: MWS, 23rd of November, 2000 (#52)
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 21:23:07 -0600


This MWS brings a few short items, which, though brief, are very
encouraging. It seems to be an unwritten rule that none of this good stuff
comes to light until right after the MWS is supposed to be mailed out but
these are developments worth waiting for. Final pieces are being put
together for the not too distant final candidate for Midgard 1.4. Also, this
week, a very early pre-alpha version of Midgard 2.0 has been announced for
release in the next week or so. It is great to see concrete movement towards
2.0 as we wrap up the last pieces of 1.4.

Editors Note
A new Demo site is on its way.
	M.O.V.E. augments, doesn’t replace V.M.U.C.
Asgard has a public demo.
	A demo site has been published for those who want to press some buttons
Midgard 2.0 gets its first pre-alpha release.
	It is not going to replace 1.2.5 now but it is on the way.

A new demo site is on its way.
Ron Parker has been working on a new demo site that will ship with Midgard
1.4. Named M.O.V.E., the new site is intended to be a working tutorial to
help users get started with Midgard. Like the VMUC site, which ships with
current Midgard installation files, M.O.V.E. will be a resource that is both
an example and a good place to borrow code for your own installation. Work
is being completed on the basic layout and styles for M.O.V.E and it is
hoped that by the next MWS we will be able to show off a pre-release copy
and ask for comments.

David Guerizec and Ron Parker have posted an example of Asgard.
There is a working version of Asgard available for preview and play. It will
allow users to look under the hood as well as try out new features,
including a look at the new internationalizations. David has asked, however,
that you leave the language for the demo user as English, if you want to try
the localization features create a new user. Asgard is not current in the
CVS but will be updated soon.
The site can be found at:
http://smouss.aurora-linux.com/asgard/ for Asgard
http://smouss.aurora-linux.com/demo/ for the demo site

 login with:
 user; demo+demo
 paswd; demo

Midgard 2.0 starts to see the light of day.
Ami Ganguli announced that a pre-alpha developers release of Midgard 2.0
should be coming in the next week or so. This release will be numbered
1.9.0; it does not have a lot of  functionality built in yet. This release
is meant to give the Midgard community an idea of where we are and give
anyone who wants it a chance to hack through the code and see how things
will start to work work. Midgard 2.0 is a complete rewrite of the whole
Midgard application which is based on a much more modular approach to the
application architecture. Given both of these factors it may be a while
before these releases do a great deal, they are intended for the development
community and it is hoped that their release will help spur developer

About Midgard

Midgard 1.4 is a content publishing tool for small and medium sized sites.
It is based on Apache, MySQL and PHP. The application and its documentation
are licensed GPL, LGPL and GFDL. This licensing strategy guarantees that
developers, webmasters, ISPs, and business managers are investing in a
strategy where they're free to share solutions and participate in the
application design.

-> http://www.midgard-project.org


About MWS

The Midgard Weekly Summary is a bi-weekly newsletter

for the Midgard user and developer community,

as well as the extended web community.

If you would like to release it or publish it,

please contact Ken Pooley


Previous issues of Midgard Weekly Summary can

be found archived at the Midgard web site.

-> http://www.midgard-project.org/topic/169.html

Midgard mailing list.

The Midgard mailing list is one of the most vital and

visible aspects of the Midgard Community. Questions

get answered, suggestions debated and work gets done.


Places to see Midgard in Action:

-More to come
