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Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 12:44:33 -0800 (PST)
From: Slackware Linux Project <press@slackware.com>
To: slackware-announce@slackware.com
Subject: [slackware-announce] Slackware SPARC Development Tree Now Available on ftp.slackware.com

Slackware SPARC Development Tree Now Available on ftp.slackware.com

The "-current" tree for the Slackware SPARC port is now available on
ftp.slackware.com in /pub/slackware/sparc.  This tree will work the
same way as the existing -current Slackware tree (for Intel machines). 
Active development is done here and updates are made often.  Users
should consult the ChangeLog.txt file for information regarding the
latest fixes and additions to the tree.

This is not an official release, but the availability of the active
development tree to the public.  Be advised that you may encounter
bugs and other problems with the port.  We ask all users trying out
Slackware for SPARC to report back any bugs they find.

If you are interested in trying out Slackware for SPARC, please be
sure to read the documentation in the main directory:


It explains things like booting, installation, and known bugs.  You
can also find a mini-ISO9660 bootable CD image in the /iso directory:


This is a bootable installation disc for SPARC that just contains the
A (base) and N (network) software series.  It's a small enough file to
be a reasonable download and offers enough of the distribution to get
up and running and download other components.


The Slackware Linux Development Team

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