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From: u199096679@spawnkill.ip-mobilphone.net
Newsgroups: comp.lang.tcl
Subject: ANN: Alphatk text editor 8.0fc1
Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2001 11:28:11 GMT

Alphatk version 8.0fc1

Alphatk's web site is at <http://www.santafe.edu/~vince/Alphatk.html>.
Alphatk is a powerful text editor, implemented in Tcl/Tk.  This release
can be downloaded immediately from the above site.

8.0fc1 - 	   	   	   last update: 03/03/2001 {23:03:47 PM}

&#8226; added unicode and encodings help file.
&#8226; simplified some dialogs code, beginnings of support for tabbed
&#8226; slightly better dnd support (dragging a file onto the status bar or
  menu bar should work on windows and unix).  Note that most of the
  menu bar is a native-menu on windows, and therefore won't accept
  these kinds of drags.  All of this requires 'tkdnd'.
&#8226; AlphaTcl up to 7.4.1 (final release).
&#8226; beginnings of support for a control-bar in the left margin
  (allowing things like line-numbers, debugger breakpoints etc. to
  be displayed).
&#8226; added row/col display to status bar
&#8226; ordinary clicking in the red 'modified' status indicator saves the
  window (as well as ctrl-clicking which worked before).
&#8226; better implementation of the popup mode/encoding menus and the
  position indicator

What is Alphatk?

Alphatk is a text editor.  It's most useful for programmers, those
writing a lot of TeX or LaTeX documents, and for editing of HTML source
files.  It has very rich features to aid in writing and editing files
of those document types.  The programming languages strongly supported
are C, C++, Java, Tcl, Perl, Matlab.  Most other common languages are
also supported, although perhaps not with quite such a rich feature

Alphatk is written entirely in Tcl, the scripting and gui language
developed by John Ousterhout (now at www.ajubasolutions.com).  This
means it is easily extendable, configurable etc.  Most aspects of its
behaviour can be configured using various 'Preferences' dialogs.  If
you can program in Tcl you can tweak it in any way you like.  However
it is designed to be used by people who cannot program in Tcl.

Alphatk is a little like emacs, in that it is a very powerful text
editor.  However it was designed with a graphical interface in mind
(for many years Alpha was a MacOS only product written in C. This is
effectively a re-implementation of Alpha by emulating its inner
functionality in plain Tcl).

New releases will be made as frequently as is necessary to keep up with
bug reports and feature requests.  Bug fixes and code contributions are
much appreciated.

Alphatk would never have existed had it not been for Pete Keleher, the
creator of 'Alpha', a MacOS only editor, and for the community of Alpha
users who have contributed vast amounts of Tcl code which help make
Alphatk the powerful editor it now is.

Alphatk should run on Windows or Unix (on MacOS you can use Pete
Keleher's editor Alpha which has approximately the same functionality).
Alphatk will mostly run on MacOS, but there is a known menu problem.

The ftp site for Alphatk is <ftp://ftp.ucsd.edu/pub/alpha/tcl/alphatk/>

	  	 Supported Platforms:

I'm happy to support Alphatk on any platform on which Tk 8.1 or newer
runs (i.e. please tell me if it doesn't run on your platform when
using Tk 8.1 or newer).  Alphatk is currently known to run on:

Windows NT 4.0sp3,sp5,sp6, with any of Tcl/Tk 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4a1
Windows 2000sp1 with Tcl/Tk 8.3.2, Tcl 8.4a1/2
Solaris running X-windows, with Tcl/Tk 8.1, 8.3.2
RedHat Linux with Tcl/Tk 8.4a1

I assume it will also run under many more platforms, but I simply
haven't tested it.


Sent  by vincentdarley from my-deja  in area com
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