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Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 13:58:25 -0700 (PDT)
From: M Carling <m@idiom.com>
To: lwn@lwn.net
Subject: Correction

Bonobos are not monkeys.  They are apes.  BTW, "very good at coupling" is
a great euphemism.  Bonobos mate about 20 times per day.  Also, Bonobos
and humans are the only mammals that can mate face to face.

The family tree looks like this:

                               /  \
                              /    \
                             /      \
                            /        \
                           /          \
                         Apes        Monkeys
                         /  \          /|\
                        /    \        / | \
                       /      \
                      /        \
                     /          \
                    /            \
                 Lesser         Great
                  Apes           Apes
             (e.g. Baboons)      /  \
                  /|\           /    \
                 / | \         /      \
                              /        \
                             /          \
                        Orangatang      /\
                                       /  \
                                      /    \
                                     /      \
                                    /        \
                                   /       Gorilla
                                /  \
                               /    \
                              /      \
                             Man     /\
                                    /  \
                                   /    \
                                  /      \
                                 /        \
                              Bonobo    Chimpanzee