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From:	 Jeroen Baten 
To:	 lwn@lwn.net
Subject: Fwd: "Free / open source software actions in European RTD -
18 May 200 1 - Brussels"
Date:	 Tue, 17 Apr 2001 11:34:55 +0200

A special information event will be held in Brussels on Friday 18 May 2001.
Developers of innovative free / open source software, as well as companies
and organisations serving these developments, will obtain up-to-date
information on the European RTD funding opportunities. The event will serve
as a platform for building contacts with other interested parties.
An invited speech by David Faure will treat  "KDE as a development

Thank you for booking 18 May now in your agenda, and returning the
registration form as soon as possible if you plan to attend.

Refer to:
for full information on the programme of this event, and for registration

Best regards,

Tania Devroede, on behalf of
Philippe Aigrain
Head of Sector "Software Technologies"
European Commission DG INFSO/E2 Office N105 3/54
Postal address: rue de la Loi 200, B-1049 Brussels, Belgium
Office address: avenue des Nerviens 105, B-1040 Brussels
Secretary: Tania Devroede Phone: + Tania.Devroede@cec.eu.int
Phone (direct): +
Fax: +
