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From:	 John Neffenger 
To:	 java-linux@java.blackdown.org
Subject: New Volano Report
Date:	 Sat, 14 Apr 2001 13:05:43 -0700

I posted our latest test results yesterday:

  The Volano Report

Thank you, Blackdown, for keeping green threads alive and working
extraordinarily well on Linux!  Sun abandoned their "sunwjit" back in

  java.lang.StackOverflowError with sunwjit
  "The sunwjit has been obsolete for long time.  We are not going
   to fix the problem."

and now they've abandoned the Classic VM:

  Classic VM goes into hard run at 1018 socket connections
  "As to classic VM hang, it's a known problem.  Since we are near
   ladybird FCS and merlin does not include classic VM.  This bug will
   not be fixed."

Blackdown's Java VM using green threads on Linux is the only hope for
pure Java servers with lots of connections -- at least while we're
waiting for the Java 1.4 "new I/O" (or a different Linux threading

By the way, I tested several just-in-time compilers with Blackdown on
Linux, and I'm very impressed with OpenJIT:

  OpenJIT: A Reflective JIT Compiler for Java

I tried OpenJIT, javacomp (Borland), shuJIT, sunwjit (Sun), and tya. 
OpenJIT was the fastest in my VolanoMark tests and seemed to be the most

John Neffenger

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