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From:	 <audit@maradns.org>
To:	 <security-audit@ferret.lmh.ox.ac.uk>
Subject: MaraDNS 0.5.13 released
Date:	 Sun, 22 Apr 2001 13:58:10 -0700 (PDT)

Hello there,

I have just released MaraDNS 0.5.13 out to the world.

MaraDNS is my attempt to make a secure DNS server with an open-source
compatible license.  I have integrated security via two means:

* I use a special homegrown string library (which actually was developed
  for a previous project, the kiwi spam-rpotection package) which
  minimizes the chance for buffer overflows in the code.

* MaraDNS mandates being run as an unprivledged user in a chroot()ed

Currently, MaraDNS is an authoritative-only nameserver.  In other words,
she has no support for caching or for "recursive name queries".  I plan on
having a stable release of MaraDNS with this ability released in early

Here is a current roadmap for MaraDNS:


MaraDNS can be downloaded here, in source tarball format, and in source
and binary RPM formats:


Note that MaraDNS has two build process--an autoconf-generated build
process, and a homegrown set of makefiles.  The reason for this is to
satisfy both the desire from system administrators to have
'./configure;make' do the right thing, and the need for there to be no
copyrighted code nor files in MaraDNS.  Since some autoconf files are
copyrighted, there is a script that will delete all copyrighted files,
making MaraDNS fully public domain.

Any comments or suggestions, good or bad, are welcomed.

- Sam