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From:	 Rusty Russell <rusty@rustcorp.com.au>
To:	 netfilter-devel@lists.samba.org, netfilter@lists.samba.org
Subject: [PATCH] Proposed patch for 2.4.4
Date:	 Sun, 22 Apr 2001 17:11:59 +1000

This largish patch (against 2.4.3), hence it's mimencoded.  Will be
posted to Linus shortly if it's OK (it needs testing by volunteers
still, please!):

	(1) FTP fix: use "loose=1" to ip_conntrack_ftp for old behaviour.
		That user is still out there...
	(2) conntrack SMP fix: should prevent nasty races
		Double kfree & boom, DELETE messages...
	(3) mtr ICMP fix: stop mtr showing massive packet loss
		Untracked replies dropped by NAT...
	(4) NAT module reload fix
		Reloading the NAT module could get old NAT data.
	(5) MASQ dynamic address fix
		Just shows I never use dial-on-demand...
		[ Not the one in patch-o-matic: that breaks PPP ]
	(1) Untracked packets ACCEPTED by NAT 
		Conntrack now drops packet itself if OOM.
	(2) conntrack helpers see all packets
		protocol->new now returns TRUE or FALSE.
	(3) balance tweak
		More balanced when NATting to a range of addresses.
	(4) ftp multi patch
		Harald's FTP multiport patch.
	(5) nat+conntrack hashsize
		Slightly modified so ipchains.o should work: nat uses
		ip_conntrack's hash size value.
	(6) seqoffset patch
	(7) IRC

	(1) dropped table patch
		I'm adding dropped calls everywhere (eg. packet
		filtering code), but it's taking time.

Premature optmztion is rt of all evl. --DK