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From:	 Richard Guy Briggs <rgb@conscoop.ottawa.on.ca>
To:	 NetFilter mailing list <netfilter-devel@us5.samba.org>,
	 Linux Network Development mailing list <netdev@oss.sgi.com>
Subject: FreeS/WAN redesign design, diagram, legend, api, api-trips (KLIPS, IPSEC)
Date:	 Tue, 1 May 2001 03:51:15 -0400
Cc:	 Richard Guy Briggs <rgb@conscoop.ottawa.on.ca>,
	 Hugh Daniel <hugh@toad.com>, John Gilmore <gnu@toad.com>

The FreeS/WAN KLIPS2 design has come a long way since it was last posted
in February and is getting much closer to coding time.  It is no longer
just one document.

Please provide feedback.  Detailed feedback would be most helpful.

I am particularly looking for clarifications of my misunderstandings of
NetFilter, its interfaces and capabilities.

klips2-design.txt is the main document which outlines goals, desired
feature list, process description.

klips2-design.dia is a dia(1) <http://www.lysator.liu.se/~alla/dia/>
diagram of the architecture.

klips2-design.png is a bitmap exported from dia(1) for those who don't
want to install dia(1) just to view it.

klips2-design-api.txt is a text description of the api including
arguments, types and block comments.

klips2-design-api-trips.txt is a trip of each api encountered for
various different packet traversals of the architecture as an excercise
to flesh out the api and help verify nothing was missed.

klips2-design-legend.txt is a legend of diagram acronyms and member

The .txt, .dia, -api.txt, -api-trips.txt and -legend.txt are all in the
FreeS/WAN daily snapshots under klips/doc.  The snapshots can be found
from www.freeswan.org.

All are on my web page referenced from the bottom of:

	slainte mhath, RGB
Richard Guy Briggs -- PGP key available            Auto-Free Ottawa! Canada
<www.conscoop.ottawa.on.ca/rgb/>                       <www.flora.org/afo/>
Prevent Internet Wiretapping!        --        FreeS/WAN:<www.freeswan.org>
Thanks for voting Green! -- <green.ca>      Marillion:<www.marillion.co.uk>