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ERIC ARANDEZ (jearandez@ima.com)
IVY SIA (ivy@ima.com)
International Messaging Associates
Tel: 1-800-549-27-62
Fax: 1-888-562-35-61
Web site: http://www.ima.com

IMA To Provide Free Copies of Internet Exchange Messaging Server 5

International Messaging Associates (IMA) will be providing a free, official
copy of its latest messaging product – the Internet Exchange Messaging Server
(IEMS) 5 to beta users who will send in their proposed enhancements and
potential problems early at v5eval@ima.com.

Free copies will be made available to all evaluators who provide feedback to
IMA on any undocumented bugs, or who suggest new features or enhancements of
which IMA agrees to use in current or future releases. Fixes for verified
problems will be included in the official release of IEMS 5.

The free, official copy of the IEMS 5 also includes 90-day support. For
more details on this program, please visit http://www.ima.com/v5promo.html.