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From:	 "Tom Wilkason" <tom.wilkason@home.com>
To:	 Dr.Dobb's.Tcl-URL.distribution@starbase.neosoft.com
Subject: Dr. Dobb's Tcl-URL! - weekly Tcl news and links (May  7)
Date:	 Mon, 7 May 2001 21:15:19 -0500 (CDT)

TTOTW (Tcl Testimonial of the Week):
    For me, I was a VB/ Delphi programmer that needed to do some
    Unix GUI stuff.  I was recommended Tcl, but was reluctant to
    learn it as I only had six weeks to deliver the project (the
    6 week time scale was based on VB development times). Anyway,
    I tried it, and thanks to the help of this newsgroup, finished
    the project in a morning ( + 2 days learning ).  2 more days
    of tweaks the customer decided they couldn't live without,
    and the project was in place. That project is in daily use
    three years on.
           -  Gordon Johnstone - C.L.T 5/3/2001.
In the same thread, Steve Offutt tells it like it is:
    You will also find that this (clt) is the most courteous, and
    *HELPFUL* newsgroup on the net.  The professionals here are
    always helpful, and quite giving of both their time and
    expertise, to enable us beginners to become productive.

    Peter Baum announces gnocle Version 0.0.2, a Tcl extension
    (package) which implements gtk and gnome widgets.

    Karl Lehenbauer announces Tiny Tcl 6.8, a ROMmable, minimal,
    but surprisingly capable Tcl for embedded applications.

    Kristoffer Lawson posts promising core speedup enhancements
    for in-place list operations

    Richard Suchenwirth, Cameron Laird and Chris Nelson converge
    on a general-purpose method to schedule reoccurring scripts.

    Wondering how best to save your Tcl state settings? Read a
    number of suggestions

    George Peter Staplin provides a working example which uses Xt
    and Tk in the same window of an application.  Find it at

    Neil Madden provides an example of how to read a portion of
    a configuration file containing section names:

Everything you want is probably one or two clicks away in these pages:

    The "Welcome to comp.lang.tcl" message by Andreas Kupries

    Larry Virden maintains a comp.lang.tcl FAQ launcher

    Brent Welch maintains "The Tcl Developer Xchange", a highly
    organized resource center of documents and software with
    provisions for individuals to "set up a link to your software
    and update ... as you release new versions."

    They also keep info to convince your boss Tcl is a good thing

    Mark Harrison publishes summaries of Tcl Core Team (TCT) activity

    NeoSoft has a comp.lang.tcl contributed sources archive

    Cameron Laird tracks many Tcl/Tk references of interest

    Cetus Links maintains a Tcl/Tk page with verified links

    Findmail archives comp.lang.tcl.announce posts

Previous - (U)se the (R)esource, (L)uke! - messages are listed here:

Suggestions/corrections for next week's posting are always welcome.

To receive a new issue of this posting in e-mail each Monday, ask
<claird@neosoft.com> to subscribe.  Be sure to mention "Tcl-URL!".
Dr. Dobb's Journal (http://www.ddj.com) is pleased to participate in and
sponsor the "Tcl-URL!" project.