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From:	 David Mentre <David.Mentre@inria.fr>
To:	 lwn@lwn.net
Subject: Attn: Development Editor, latest CWL
Date:	 22 May 2001 15:01:42 +0200

Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, from 16th to 22nd of May, 2001

  Table of Contents

 1) new release (3.01.4) for Camlp4

 2) new draft for the CDK documentation tool (doc)

 3) snapshots of lablgtk with Glade support

 1) new release (3.01.4) for Camlp4


Daniel de Rauglaudre made a release 3.01.4 for Camlp4, compatible with
Ocaml 3.01.

Main changes since Camlp4 3.01:

  - Added functions in module Token to create lexers:
       1/ from char stream parser
       2/ from ocamllex lexer
  - Added extensible functions: library module Extfun, parser pa_extfun,
    and printer pr_extfun. They are used in Camlp4 pretty printing.
  - Added Lisp syntax pa_lisp.cmo (not terminated).
  - Added variable Grammar.error_verbose and option -verbose of command
    camlp4 to display more information in case of parsing error.
  - Changed revised syntax of sequences. Now:
      do { expr1; expr2 ..... ; exprn }
      for patt = expr to/downto expr do { expr1; expr2 ..... ; exprn }
      while expr do { expr1; expr2 ..... ; exprn }

 Camlp4 is available at:

   http://caml.inria.fr/camlp4/index-fra.html (version française)

 2) new draft for the CDK documentation tool (doc)


After the discussion on which format should be used for the CDK [(Caml
Development Kit)], [CDK developers have] implemented a new version of
cdk_doc generating texinfo files. The results (DVI, Postscript, Info,
HTML and PDF) can be seen on:


It is still a draft, but documentation for this tool is available at :

 3) snapshots of lablgtk with Glade support


Jacques Garrigue has made available preliminary versions of lablgtk with
Glade support:

"I made a new snapshot of lablgtk (2001-05-17), with practical support
for glade.  (Yesterday's version was more a proof of concept)

Now the conversion tool supports all GTK widgets, and you can easily
bind (parameterless) glade named handler to caml functions.

I'd be glad to hear comments, if anybody is interested.

    Jacques [Garrigue]"

Snapshots are available at:

 David.Mentre@inria.fr -- http://www.irisa.fr/prive/dmentre/
 Opinions expressed here are only mine.