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From:	 Paolo Amoroso <amoroso@mclink.it>
To:	 lwn@lwn.net
Subject: Recent additions to CLOCC
Date:	 Mon, 11 Jun 2001 09:49:11 +0200

The following software has been recently added to CLOCC:

  CIL (Chess In Lisp; src/games/cil): an implementation of the core
  functions for developing chess applications.

  CLUE/CLIO/Pictures (src/gui/clue): CLUE (Common Lisp User Interface
  Environment) is a translation of the Xt intrinsics into the domain of
  Common Lisp and CLOS; CLIO (Common Lisp Interactive Objects) is a set of
  CLOS classes on top of CLUE that represent user interface widgets;
  Pictures is built on top of CLUE and provides a set of tools for creating
  interactive graphical interfaces.

  CLunit (src/tools/clunit): a unit test environment.

  Common Lisp Controller (src/port/common-lisp-controller): a system for
  standardizing the installation and access to library packages.
  cCLan--i.e. C[T|P]AN for Lisp--packages are based on the Common Lisp

  Memoization (src/tools/memoization): a general-purpose automatic
  memoization facility.

CLOCC, the Common Lisp Open Code Collection, contains ready to use,
self-contained, portable open-source Lisp software.


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