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From:	 Andrew Kuchling <akuchlin@mems-exchange.org>
To:	 python-announce-list@python.org
Subject: New ZODB distribution release
Date:	 Mon, 11 Jun 2001 16:19:53 -0400

I've made a new packaging of the ZODB from Digital Creations.  This
release contains the code from Zope 2.3.2 and the most recent ZEO
release, ZEO 1.0beta3.

The release is available from:

The full list of changes in this release runs as follows:

* Removed top-level setup.py, and changed the README accordingly.
* Resynced with ZEO 1.0b3
* Resynced with BerkeleyStorage 1.0b2
* Resynced with Zope 2.3.2.
* Removed SearchIndex and Catalog packages; they're tangential to
  the ZODB itself. 

