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From:	 Alix Guillard <alix@guillard.fr>
To:	 lwn@lwn.net
Subject: LSM communication
Date:	 Sat, 30 Jun 2001 15:31:52 -0700

Libre Software Meeting, last strait
Bordeaux, France June 30 2001 - For immediate release.

The "Libre" (or Free) Software Meeting will begin in less than
one week andeveryone is now busily preparing for the 18 topics 
and sub-conferences that will be held. Registration is now closed 
and more than 450 people have registered from over 40 countries 
on 5 continents, proving that Free Software is definitely 
receiving more interest worldwide. A large delegation from Africa 
will be attending to provide testimony of the progress that has 
been made in developing the economic and social infrastructure 
since last year.

A partial list of registered people can be viewed online:


Organizers are now working on the final details of the 
presentations. Topics for discussion are now nearly complete 
and include:
· Free Software rights (business models for Free Software, 
  patents, Frenchtranscription of the GPL)
· FreeSoftware and development for third-world countries
· Free Software and education
· Free Software and security
· Free Software and medicine
· Free Software for the blind and visually impaired
· Ahalf-day public session will be held on Thursday the 5th 
  from 1:30 PM to 5:00 PM on thesubject "Free Software for 
  administrations and corporate businesses"
· A private session will be held on Saturday afternoon with, 
  Pierre Jarillon, president of the ABUL LUG, Gilles Savary, 
  europeen MP and Béatrice DUMONT, professor in economics a 
  representative from the French Ministry of Finance.

Read the complete list of topics at:

The second LSM 2001 will be held from July 4th to July 9th 2001 at 
ENSEIRB, on Bordeaux I University's campus. This meeting is 
organized by the ABUL (French LUG in Bordeaux aka "Association 
Bordelaise des Utilisateurs de Logiciels Libres"). The goal of the 
Libre Software Meeting is to organize a single location where as many 
people as possible can share information and focus their energies 
towards large scale projects. The meeting is open toall people willing 
to contribute to "libre" software. This event is absolutely non-commercial 
-- participation is free in every sense of the word.

For additional information:

LSM web site:

l'ABUL web site

Press contact:

Jean Paul Chiron chiron@cr-aquitaine.fr

Alix Guillard:	alix@guillard.fr 
		tel : + 336 8 271 8 596