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From:	 "Ken Pooley" <kpooley@sewanee.edu>
To:	 "MWS" <mws@midgard-project.org>, "Midgard User" <user@midgard-project.org>
Subject: MWS 4th of July 2001 (#62): Linuxtag, Server move, Bugtracker and Repligard Notes
Date:	 Wed, 4 Jul 2001 23:09:58 -0500


It is a big week in Midgard land. Linuxtag will be underway tomorrow in
Stuttgart with a number of Midgard users and developers converging on the
Midgard booth. If you get a chance to hop on a train or plane, head to
Linuxtag between July 5th and the 8th!


Editor's Note
Linuxtag is this week and Midgard is there!
Server move new Bugtracker
Repligard class and notes.

Linuxtag is this week and Midgard is there!
Stuttgart is the place to be this weekend. Linuxtag is up and running and
Midgard is part of the excitement. A number of Midgard authors and users
will be at the Midgard booth running demos and meeting users new and old.
The following are included in the list of people expected in the booth
Emile,Ami Ganguli,Torben Nehmer,Philipp Rotmann,Thomas Rother and Lucia
Eiselstein.  Also Ami Ganguli will be running a workshop with Torben Nehmer
to introduce Midgard 1.4.1 to prospective web programmers. Lucia Eiselstein
has done a great deal to get the resources together and will deserve thanks
and a beer, or three, when all is said and done.

For more information check on the Linuxtag website at:

In English:

Server move and new Bugtracker.
Ron Parker announced last week that he needed to devote more time to other
endeavors and that he would not be able to contribute the time necessary to
keep the Midgard-project.org server up and running. A few members of the
Midgard world jumped in and made sure that there will be a continuation of
the e-mail and web services for the community. Emile, Daniel Reichenbach and
Armand A. Verstappen are working on making sure everything goes well. Envida
will handle the web presence and DNS, Daniel will take over the mail
services and list maintenance. The move will be completed by August 1st.
Ron Parker has been an invaluable member of the Midgard community over the
last few years, I saw a few tribute beers and cigars go across the list and
he deserves every one.
This week Torben Nehmer announced that Midgard's new Bugtracker is online,
though the configuration is not 100% tested. The URL should be
http://bugs.midgard-project.org . If this doesn't work, try
mantis.midgard-project.org or bugs.midgard.nehmer.net, they are all
temporary aliases.
Some other notes:
·	Everyone who wants to _report_ bugs does need an account, automatic signup
should work .
·	Mantis uses distinct Project, this leads to a single Problem: You can't
view the bugs for several Projects at once.
·	There is a guest account for viewing only l/p guest/guest.
·	We are currently creating some projects and categories. Take this only as
a draft, comments about a real-life structure are welcome.
The new bug tracker is powered by http://www.nathan-syntronics.de .

Repligard class and notes.
In late June, Alexander Bokovoy traveled to Espoo, Finland, home of Nemien,
to give a seminar in Repligard theory and use. Repligard is an application
which allows the packaging and movement of data from Midgard databases to
other Midgard installations.  Notes from the day were posted to this list by
Henri Bergius and are in the MARC archive at:

There are not complete documents for Repligard so these notes should be
invaluable to anyone wanting to use the application. There is also video of
the presentation which will soon be published on Nemien’s site at:
http://www.nemien.com .


About Midgard

Midgard 1.4 is a content publishing tool for small and medium sized sites.
It is based on Apache, MySQL and PHP. The application and its documentation
are licensed GPL, LGPL and GFDL. This licensing strategy guarantees that
developers, webmasters, ISPs, and business managers are investing in a
strategy where they're free to share solutions and participate in the
application design.

-> http://www.midgard-project.org


About MWS

The Midgard Weekly Summary is a bi-weekly newsletter

for the Midgard user and developer community,

as well as the extended web community.

If you would like to release it or publish it,

please contact Ken Pooley


Previous issues of Midgard Weekly Summary can

be found archived at the Midgard web site.

-> http://www.midgard-project.org/topic/169.html

Midgard mailing list.

The Midgard mailing list is one of the most vital and

visible aspects of the Midgard Community. Questions

get answered, suggestions debated and work gets done.


Places to see Midgard in Action:

-More to come
