[LWN Logo]
From:	 William Kendrick <nbs@sonic.net>
To:	 lwn-lug@lwn.net
Subject: August 7th LUGOD Meeting: Linux-controlled Library Robots
Date:	 Fri, 13 Jul 2001 13:59:08 -0700

The Linux Users' Group of Davis (LUGOD), will be holding a meeting on:

  August 7, 2001
  6:30pm - 9:30pm

The meeting will be held at:

  Z-World, Inc.
  2900 Spafford Street
  Davis, CA 95616

The topic will be:

  Automated Retrieval System (Robotic Cranes)  
  presented by Michael Egan, Sonoma State University

  The ARS is an Automated Retrieval System for
  patrons to gain access to infrequently accessed books
  stored in long term storage bins.  It uses a central
  manager system separate from the on-line catalog to
  keep track of bin contents, and commands robotic
  cranes to access bins with items requested by patrons.

  Sonoma State University Library chose to use a Linux kernel as
  the heart of their ARS-controlling OS because of its fault
  tolerance, efficiency, aggressive development cycle, detailed
  documentation, and excellent support.

For details on this meeting, visit:


For maps, directions, public transportation schedules, etc., visit:


LUGOD is a non-profit organization dedicated to the Linux Operating System,
and which holds meetings twice a month in Davis, CA.
Meetings are always free, and open to the public.

Please visit our website for details:


(Your address: lwn-lug@lwn.net )