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For Immediate Release
For more information, a review copy, 
cover art, or interview with the author, contact:
Lisa Mann (707) 829-0515 ext 230 or lisam@oreilly.com


Sebastopol, CA--As the Web's popularity continues to soar, so does that
of Macromedia Dreamweaver. Dreamweaver deploys a rich, well-designed,
WYSIWYG environment for building cross-platform, cross-browser web
sites; but unlike most visual editors, it doesn't clutter up the
underlying HTML code by inserting unnecessary tags that make large web
sites difficult to manage. "One thing I try to do in my new book," says
David MacFarland, author of the just released "Dreamweaver 4: The
Missing Manual" (O'Reilly, US $24.95) "is to bridge the gap between
what you want and what HTML offers. Dreamweaver 4 has made huge leaps
forward in this regard, too. It has powerful tools for creating
professional-looking sites; tools that don't produce sloppy or bulky
HTML. Once you get an understanding of how you can use HTML and
Dreamweaver to get the look you want, your designs become much more

Dreamweaver is a favorite of multimedia designers, thanks to its smooth
integration with other Macromedia applications like Flash and
Shockwave. The new, more sophisticated Version 4 incorporates the
latest developments in browser technologies--and the best way to get
the full advantage of these improved features is with "Dreamweaver 4:
The Missing Manual" the ideal companion to this complex software. Under
the guidance of Missing Manual Series editor David Pogue, author Dave
McFarland brings Dreamweaver 4 to life with clarity, authority, and
good humor.

"I think people often underestimate the extreme productivity boost
Dreamweaver brings to the Web development process," says MacFarland.
"And Dreamweaver's site management abilities can save you literally
days of work when you need to reorganize the files in your site. Best
of all, if Dreamweaver doesn't do what you need, you can write your own

After orienting you with an anatomical tour of a web page, MacFarland's
book walks you through the entire process of creating and designing a
complete web site. Along the way, a unique "live examples" approach
lets you see and test, on the actual Internet, real web pages that
follow the development progress of the book's chapters. Armed with this
book, both first-time and experienced web designers can easily use
Dreamweaver to bring stunning, interactive web sites to life.

"Dreamweaver is a little unusual for this series, because the retail
version of the program actually does come with a printed manual (the
online version doesn't)," says David Pogue, the creator of the Missing
Manual Series. "But it doesn't go into nearly the depth of David's
book, lacks the sneaky bug workarounds, and doesn't have any jokes at

"Don't get me wrong--the Dreamweaver manual that comes with the product
has a lot of information in it," MacFarland explains."But Dreamweaver
has always assumed a rather knowledgeable user. Now, however, more
people are turning to Web design and using Dreamweaver as the first or
ONLY tool they use for building sites. What I've done is bring my
experience of teaching the program and my experience of using the
program for my clients to help present Dreamweaver's many powerful
features in a way that's easy to understand. I've also tried to put the
program into the context of a real-world Web development process. The
problem most manuals make is they explain in detail how to use a
feature of a program but rarely why or when you'd use it. Just because
a piece of software has some nifty new widget doesn't mean that you
should use it. Often new features are added to software because the
engineers can, not because the users want them. A good computer book
should be an advocate for the reader, guiding him or her thro

Chapter 17, "Libraries and Templates," is available free online at:

For more information about the book, including Table of Contents,
index, author bio, and samples, see:

For more information about the Missing Manual Series, see:

For a cover graphic in jpeg format, go to:

Dreamweaver 4: The Missing Manual 
By Dave McFarland
July 2001 
0-596-00097-9, 480 pages, $24.95 

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O'Reilly & Associates is the premier information source for
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