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From:	 Michael =?iso-8859-1?Q?Str=F6der?= <michael@stroeder.com>
To:	 python-announce-list@python.org
Subject: PyWebLib 1.0.4
Date:	 Fri, 20 Jul 2001 17:35:32 +0200


I'd like to announce PyWebLib 1.0.4.

You can find it on:


But be warned that documentation is very sparse (some short examples
and pydoc-generated HTML) and the API might be still subject to
subtle changes.

Ciao, Michael.


2001-07-19      PyWebLib 1.0.4
- Local var maxContentLength is calculated correctly now in
  Form.getInputFields() instead of using class attribute
  Form.maxContentLength. Class attribute Form.maxContentLength
  was abandoned completely.
- Fixed test program cgi-bin/test-session.py to reflect
  renaming of key word arguments done in 1.0.3 for


2001-07-13      PyWebLib 1.0.3
Changes since 1.0.2
- Cleaned up pyweblib.session.CleanUpThread
- Some incompatible renaming of key word arguments of
