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From:	 Maurice Wessling <maurice@xs4all.nl>
To:	 "HAL press <press@hal2001.org>":;
Subject: International Conference 'Hackers at Large' in the Netherlands
Date:	 Mon, 06 Aug 2001 21:29:24 +0200

Press release
6 August 2001

International Conference 'Hackers at Large' in the Netherlands

The building of the network of HAL2001, the international hacker event
on the campus of the University of Twente in the Netherlands, has
begun. HAL2001 will be the biggest open-air hacker event in the world
with 2500 visitors who will sleep, work and collaborate in tents. The
conference program consists of 100 speakers from 15 countries.

The conference and festival will start officially at Friday 10th
august and will end on Sunday 12th august. The network that is being
built starting Monday 6th August has a 1 Gb uplink to the internet and
a glass fibre backbone. Every private tent on the campsite will be
connected to this network. The huge amount of computers is powered by
generators with a total capacity of 1,5 megawatts, enough for 25,000
light bulbs.

Main topics of the conference will be security, privacy, intellectual
property issues and various political issues related to computer

Some of the highlights of the conference are:

Hacker Ethics 1984 - 2001, a panel discussion with Emmanuel Goldstein
(2600), Rop Gonggrijp (Hack-Tic) and Andy Mueller-Maguhn (CCC).

Phil Zimmermann, creator of PGP, will speak about voice encryption.

A panel of security experts discusses Distributed Denial of Service
(DDoS) attacks.

John Gilmore will address copy prevention versus freedom of speech.

Drive-by-hacking, a demonstration of the poor security of wireless

Presentation by 'Mixter' of automated exploit tools.

The full program can be found at:


Hackers at Large is the sequel to the Galactic Hacker Party (1989),
Hacking at the End of the Universe (1993) en Hacking in Progress
(1997) which all took place in the Netherlands.

Note for the editor:

contact information


telephone: +31 53 4892425
mobile:    +31 6 29018922