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From:	 Martin Michlmayr <tbm@cyrius.com>
To:	 debian-devel-announce@lists.debian.org
Subject: GPG Key Signing Coordination page
Date:	 Thu, 16 Aug 2001 11:31:33 +0200

Since the old GPG Key Signing Coordination page went down, I decided
to offer a similar service as part of the New Maintainer web site.
If you are a prospective developer looking for an existing developer
to meet and sign your GPG key (for the Identification part of the NM
process, see http://www.debian.org/devel/join/nm-step2), please look
at the listing of developers offering to meet, or register yourself so
other people can see you.  On the other hand, if you are a developer
already, please consider registering so prospective developers can find
you in the listing.

The URL is: http://nm.debian.org/gpg.php

Currently, people from the following locations are looking for a GPG
key signing meeting:

    Dallas, TX, United States: always
    Frankfurt, Germany: always
    Houston, TX, USA: always
    Medford, OR, US: always
    New York City, USA: always
    Oakland, California, USA: always
    Regina, SK, Canada: always
    St. Louis, MO, United States: always

47 developers are currently offering to meet and sign your GPG key.
Check out the full listing at http://nm.debian.org/gpg.php