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From:	 Anthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au>
To:	 debian-devel-announce@lists.debian.org
Subject: Freeze Upload Policy
Date:	 Mon, 20 Aug 2001 11:48:53 +1000

Hello world,

Just to clarify for everyone, at this point in the freeze, the following
general rules apply:

	Under *no* circumstances should you be making major changes to
	packages in base [0]. Changes should be limited to the *absolute*
	minimum required to make the package suitable for release. The
	focus for base packages is fixing RC bugs, but other bugs and
	wishlists can be done too, as long as the fix makes minimal
	changes in order to *not* introduce new bugs.

	Packages in standard [1], or that are included in tasks (sorry,
	no easy list at the moment due to dependencies, but this includes
	most of X, Gnome, KDE and so forth) need to be focussing
	on getting as ready as possible to release. Hopefully RC bug
	squashing on these packages will start in earnest within the week.
	Certainly major changes should be done with a fair degree of care.

	Remaining packages are still pretty much on a "do as you please"
	policy, although they'll be dropped if they're not working at the
	appropriate time, so some care is still a good idea.

aj (woody release manager)

[0] Packages in base are (by source):
	aboot                   gcc-2.96                nvi 
	adduser                 gcc-3.0                 openldap2 
	amiga-fdisk             gdbm                    palo 
	apt                     gettext                 pam 
	at                      glibc                   pciutils 
	atari-bootstrap         gnu-efi                 pcre3 
	atari-fdisk             grep                    perl 
	base-config             groff                   popt 
	base-files              gzip                    powerpc-utils 
	base-passwd             hfsutils                ppp 
	bash                    hostname                procps 
	bsdmainutils            ifupdown                psmisc 
	console-common          ipchains                quik 
	console-data            libcap                  readline4 
	console-tools           libident                rp-pppoe 
	cpio                    liblockfile             sed 
	cron                    lilo                    setserial 
	cyrus-sasl              logrotate               shadow 
	db2                     mac-fdisk               shellutils 
	db3                     mailx                   silo 
	debconf                 makedev                 slang 
	debianutils             man-db                  sparc-utils 
	dhcp                    manpages                sysklogd 
	diff                    mawk                    sysvinit 
	dosfstools              mbr                     tar 
	dpkg                    modconf                 tasksel 
	dvhtool                 modutils                tcp-wrappers 
	e2fsprogs               nano                    texinfo 
	ed                      ncurses                 textutils 
	eject                   net-tools               update 
	exim                    netbase                 util-linux 
	fdutils                 netkit-base             vmelilo 
	fileutils               netkit-telnet           yaboot 
	findutils               newt 

[1] Packages in standard are:
	ae              gdb             mig             rcs 
	bc              gpm             mime-support    reportbug 
	biff            host            mpack           s390-tools 
	bind9           hurd            mtools          sharutils 
	binutils        inetutils       mtr             strace 
	bison           ipmasqadm       mutt            tcsh 
	bsd-finger      ispell          netkit-ftp      tetex-bin 
	catsboot        less            nfs-utils       time 
	delo            libnss-db       nwutil          um-pppd 
	doc-debian      libpng          openssh         vacation 
	doc-linux       linux86         patch           wenglish 
	fdflush         lpr             pidentd         whois 
	file            lsof            portmap         zlib 
	flex            lynx            procmail 
	gcc-2.95        m4              python 
	gcc-defaults    make            rblcheck 

Anthony Towns <aj@humbug.org.au> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
I don't speak for anyone save myself. GPG signed mail preferred.

``_Any_ increase in interface difficulty, in exchange for a benefit you
  do not understand, cannot perceive, or don't care about, is too much.''
                      -- John S. Novak, III (The Humblest Man on the Net)