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From:	 Gael Duval <gduval@mandrakesoft.com>
To:	 announce <announce@linux-mandrake.com>, cola@stump.algebra.com
Subject: Mandrake 8.1Beta1 Available for download and tests.
Date:	 Fri, 17 Aug 2001 20:12:45 +0200


The Beta1 of the upcoming Mandrake Linux 8.1 for x86 has hit the mirrors!

Sticking to the path opened by the 8.0 version, Mandrake Linux 8.1 Beta1 
provides a bunch of innovations , more user-friendly and amazing tools, and, 
as always with a Mandrake distribution, highly up-to-date software.

Please help us to release a great 8.1:

- Download

- Test

- Report bugs!

More informations about the innovations in 8.1 are available on: 



< Gael DUVAL - Co-Founder, Mandrakesoft SA, Mandrakesoft Inc >
"Business customers don't want an operating system called Mandrake or an 
interface called KDE." © ZDNet - David Coursey.
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