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From:	 David Mentre <David.Mentre@inria.fr>
To:	 lwn@lwn.net
Subject: Attn: Development Editor, Latest Caml Weekly News
Date:	 28 Aug 2001 16:39:51 +0200

Here is the latest Caml Weekly News (August 22 to 28, 2001).

1) Vim 6.0 OCaml indent file
Michael Leary proposed a Vim 6.0 OCaml indent file.

It can be found in the following message:

2) A bindind O'Caml-OpenSLP
David Mentré announced:

I've made a binding for O'Caml 3 to OpenSLP 1.0.1. OpenSLP is an
implementation of the IETF Service Location Protocol (see openslp.org
for more information).

Source available at:

3) the CamlZip library
Xavier Leroy announced:

CamlZip is an Objective Caml library that provides easy access to
compressed files in ZIP and GZIP format, as well as to Java JAR files.

Low-level compression and decompression is handled by the popular C
library "Zlib"; on top of that, CamlZip provides high-level functions
to read and write data from ZIP/JAR and GZIP files.

Available from the OCaml bazaar:


 Opinions expressed here are only mine.