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From:	 Daniel Veillard <veillard@redhat.com>
To:	 foundation-announce@gnome.org
Subject: Minutes of the GNOME Board meeting 21 August 2001
Date:	 Thu, 23 Aug 2001 18:19:30 -0400
Cc:	 foundation-list@gnome.org

	  Minutes of the GNOME Board meeting 21 August 2001


    Havoc Pennington (chairing)
    Daniel Veillard  (minutes)
    Miguel de Icaza
    Owen Taylor
    Tim Ney          (director)
    Maciej Stachowiak 


    Jim Gettys (regrets)
    Bart Decrem (regrets)

    John Heard
    Dan Mueth        
    Raph Levien


   - we need a second release coordinator for Gnome-2.0, Havoc will ask for
   - the announcement of Tim Ney joining as foundation director should
     be available already
   - opening a bank account for the Foundation, giving signature authorization
     and other administrativia
   - gnome.org Account Policies is published, feedback should go on the
     foundation lists we will make a check point in a few weeks.

Action Done:

  ACTION: Havoc to send Leslie ATK press release draft
   => DONE

  ACTION: Federico to put email/shell/cvs policy into gnome-docu
    and mail to foundation-list.
   => Done

  ACTION: Havoc to contact Keith Packard to find out more information
    about interop hothouse at ALS/X Technical Conference.
   => Done, the event is completely unplanned :-\


  ACTION: Havoc to sent the Advisory Board list to the Board,
          looking for completion of the member liason.
   => Waiting for update from the director.

  ACTION: John to try to get a copyright assignment form and procedure
          for the GNOME Foundation.
   => Still pending.

  ACTION: Maciej to email the Board the current draft of the platform
          license policy for review.
   => Still pending.

  ACTION: Havoc to email Sander to see if he has a suggestion for
          a replacement release coordinator.
   => Put on the agenda

  ACTION: Havoc to send mail introducing Kjartan to Leslie
    and the mystery guest so that we can get feature list
   for 1.4.1 press release.
   => Pending 

  ACTION: Owen to check details of email/shell-account/cvs policy.
   => Pending

New Actions:

  ACTION: Mjs to build the "release coordinator duties"

  ACTION: Havoc to send mail seeking a release coordinator

  ACTION: Tim to send a mail to Rob Gingell to get the lawyers paid


 - approved minutes from last meeting

 - release coordinator
   Get a list of "release coordinator duties"
   We need someone with a thick skin ...

 - email/CVS/etc. policy
   Federico sent this to the foundation list

 - status update from Tim, including the following topics at least:
   - bank resolution (to open account) - appended also
     Seems Silicon Valley Bank is nice since represented both in 
     the Silicon Valley and Boston
     Signers will be: Dan, Miguel and Tim
     => Approved, using money from the account needs Board approval

     Account opening will come from Ximian
     We still need a Tax ID number
     Two first planned expenses are Tim's salary and LWE.
     => Tim goes to organize the booth and the Board will pay the travel

   - revising advisory board list, talking to people on board
     Tim will organize with Havoc to get contacts
   - can we figure out what is up with the lawyer;
     Asked the Law firm to send the invoice. It was not paid so far
     and we can't make process untill this is fixed.

   - getting accessibility press release sent out at the
     appropriate time
     => we have a final copy appoved, but we need to have it
        sent and published on the Web site at the right time
        Tim will organize this

 - interoperability and ALS; getting something going here
   Havoc will try to get ideas and topic to hack on there.
   It's in the beginning of November Aukland (CA)
   People planning to go there should probably start looking for
   travel arrangements.


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network http://redhat.com/products/network/
veillard@redhat.com  | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit  http://xmlsoft.org/
http://veillard.com/ | Rpmfind RPM search engine http://rpmfind.net/

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