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From:	 Howard Holm <hdholm@epoch.ncsc.mil>
To:	 linux-announce
Subject: SECURITY: NSA Security-enhanced Linux updated
Date:	 Fri, 24 Aug 2001 21:59:36 CST

NSA SELinux (available at <http://www.nsa.gov/selinux/> has been updated
and includes a completely new variant of the SELinux prototype based on
the Linux Security Modules (LSM) work.  The patches for the LSM-based
prototype are based on the Linux 2.4.9 kernel, and the patches for the
utilities are known to work with Red Hat Linux 7.1.

Additional web site updates include additional papers and presentations,
and the long awaited updating of the SELinux hyper-mail mail list archives.
Remember, current archives are always available via e-mail (see
<http://www.nsa.gov/selinux/list.html>) even when the hyper-mail archives are
out of date.

Howard Holm <hdholm@epoch.ncsc.mil>
Information Assurance Research Group
National Security Agency