[LWN Logo]
From:	 William Kendrick <nbs@sonic.net>
To:	 lwn-lug@lwn.net
Subject: Oct. 2nd LUGOD Meeting: "MacOS X"
Date:	 Fri, 21 Sep 2001 13:27:07 -0700

The Linux Users' Group of Davis (LUGOD), will be holding a meeting on:

  October 2, 2001
  6:30pm - 9:30pm

The meeting will be held at:

  Z-World, Inc.
  2900 Spafford Street
  Davis, CA 95616

The topic will be:

  MacOS X
  presented by Robert Doss, Apple Computer

  MacOS X is version 10 of the Apple Macintosh operating system.
  It incorporates a BSD Unix layer (Darwin), a new application framework
  based on NeXTStep (Cocoa), a new graphical interface (Aqua), and support
  for 'classic' MacOS software (Carbon).

  Robert Doss is a Cocoa developer at the Sacramento Operations office of
  Apple Computer.

For details on this meeting, visit:


For maps, directions, public transportation schedules, etc., visit:


LUGOD is a non-profit organization dedicated to the Linux Operating System,
and which holds meetings twice a month in Davis, CA.
Meetings are always free, and open to the public.

Please visit our website for details:


(Your address: lwn-lug@lwn.net )