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From:	 "Jonathan Day" <jd9812@my-deja.com>
To:	 lwn@lwn.net
Subject: FOLK 2.3.0 released
Date:	 Wed, 10 Oct 2001 08:57:45 -0700


   Just to let you know, FOLK 2.3.0 has been released. This is a total
rebuild, around 2.4.10. (The compilation errors from the 2.2.x series were
multiplying faster than rabbits on Calculus.) Most of the patches have been
re-applied, and the kernel compiles and runs reliably with most options.

   For those using CVS, I want to finish the merge, before pushing the
updated code to CVS. This should be complete before FOLK 2.3.1.

Jonathan Day

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