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From:	 Lauris Kaplinski <lauris@ximian.com>
To:	 sodipodi-list@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Sodipodi 0.24.1
Date:	 05 Oct 2001 03:00:27 +0200
Cc:	 gnome-announce-list@gnome.org, gnome-office-list@mail.gnome.org

Hello everyone!

Like always, grave bugs just ignore all our testing and slip silently
into releases. To make their life harder, I have created little
bugfix update of sodipodi.

What has been fixed:

- Sodipodi not reading gradients saved by itself
- Adobe SVG viewer not opening sodipodi files
- New document not having "width" and "height" attributes

Also, Mitsuru has updated dynadraw tool, so you can now do quite
pretty lines with it.

Where to get it:


Sincerely yours,
Sodipodi Team

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