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From:	 Jody Goldberg <jgoldberg@home.com>
To:	 gnumeric-list@gnome.org, gnome-announce-list@gnome.org
Subject: Gnumeric 0.72
Date:	 Fri, 19 Oct 2001 00:10:22 -0400

Gnumeric 0.72 aka 'oooh yummy eye candy' is now available.

    This is primarily bug fixes as we prepare for a production ready release
    before the end of the year.  Graphs require Guppi 0.40.0. In addition to
    the plethora of small improvements we threw in a few extras to make it fun.
    Morten's improved search console is very nice, and thanks to Andreas range
    selection and non-modal dialogs are now outnumber the old ones.  We now
    support auto-scrolling during object creation which makes all mouse actions

    Chema and his army of evil monkeys have been kicking the tires trying to
    make things fail.  Please give him a hand.  We always prefer to find the
    bugs BEFORE we release :-)

    Here's a tiny taste of what guppi has to offer.

* New features

	* New Search Control Centre.				(Morten)

* Bug fixes, Polishing & Optimisations

	* Improve latex exporter.			 	(Adrian Custer)
	* More work on validation.				(Almer)
	* STF multiple-separators-as-one fix.			(Almer)
	* Remaining analysis tools support range-selection	(Andreas)
	* Fix sampling tool					(Andreas)
	* Fix colour selectors for drawing objects.		(Jody)
	* Re-enable support for row vectors in graphs.		(Jody)
	* Allow string functions to accept numbers as strings.	(Jody)
	* Improve Font selector in cell format dialog		(Jody)
	* Off by 1 error when undoing unhiding cols/rows	(Jody)
	* Improve handling of Cancel during File -> Quit	(Jody)
	* Auto-scroll support during object creation		(Jody)
	* Fix MINVERSE						(Jody)
	* CODE assumes unsigned char				(Jody)
	* Improve handling of integers larger than int.		(Jody)
	* Improve cursor & scroll bounds checking.		(Jody)
	* Fix graph memory leaks.				(Morten, Jody)
	* Allow xls exporter to handle large format regions.	(Jody)
	* Fix changing data for graphs				(Jody)
	* Don't assume Format match is only numbers.		(Jody)
	* Improve XL chart import.				(Jody)
	* Plug memory leaks.					(Jody)
	* Make bonobo optional in the sample rpm specfile. 	(John Gotts)
	* Improved COUPDAYS() and COUPDAYBS().			(Jukka)
	* Testing and Quality control.				(Chema)

* Translations

	* ru (Valek Filippov), sk (Stanislav Visnovsky), sv (Christian Rose),
	da (Ole Laursen), nn (Roy-Magne Mo)

* Availability
