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From:	 kd.moeller@t-online.de (Klaus-Dieter Möller)
To:	 lwn@lwn.net
Subject: kmLinux-2.1.1 - New version of German Linux distribution for schools
Date:	 Sat, 03 Nov 2001 11:19:58 +0100

kmLinux is a complete Linux distribution for schools. It is in development by the Landesbildungsserver Schleswig-Holstein (a govermental organization of the Bundesstaat Schleswig-Holstein) in close cooperation with the Verein Freie Software und Bildung e.V. (Union for Free Software and Education). kmLinux is very simple to install. In a single automatically done installation process not only the operating system will be installed but a lot of useful software and documentation too. The hole system is preconfigured as far as possible.
kmLinux comes with a new installer which is able to automatically resize an existing windows partition (fat16/32). The software collection is very uptodate: kernel-2.4.12, XFree-4.1.0, KDE-2.2.1 (objprelink), kOffice-1.1, StarOffice-6.0beta, gimp-1.2.2 and Mozilla-0.9.5
More (german) information you will find on the new kmLinux-Homepage. kmLinux is free! Under ftp://fsub.schule.de/pub/fsub/kmLinux you will find a ready to burn iso-image. -- _______________________________________ Landesbildungsserver Schleswig-Holstein Projektleiter OpenSource Klaus-Dieter Moeller kdmoeller@lernnetz-sh.de _______________________________________