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From:	 Cabezon Aurélien <aurelien.cabezon@isecurelabs.com>
To:	 <bugtraq@securityfocus.com>, <vulnwatch@vulnwatch.org>,
Subject: Network Tool 0.2 Addon for PHPNuke vulnerable to remote command execution
Date:	 Fri, 16 Nov 2001 18:49:15 +0100

--[ Network Tool 0.2 Addon for PHPNuke vulnerable to remote command
execution ]--

Problem discovered: 16/11/2001 by Cabezon Aurélien |

--[ Description ]--
This Phpnuke addon includes web frontends for the following *nix commands:
- Nmap
- Ping
- Traceroute.

--[ Problem ]--
Network Tool 0.2 does not check for special meta-characters like
&;`'"|*?~<>^()[]{}$ comming from the $hostinput variable.

Asking the Php script for Pinging, Nmap, or traceroute this kind of adresse
<www.somehost.com;ls -al>
will allow any user to run " ls -al " command as whatever user runs the web

--[ Fix ]--
Coders have been alerted

Temp fix:
$hostinput = system(escapeshellcmd($hostinput));

--[ Informations about Network Tool 0.2 ]--

Author: Rick Fournier (rick@help-desk.ca)

Cabezon Aurélien