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From:	 Daniel Bischof <ftpadmin@suse.com>
To:	 <lwn@lwn.net>
Subject: SuSE Linux 7.3 FTP-version available
Date:	 Fri, 16 Nov 2001 15:20:05 +0100 (CET)

The FTP-version of SuSE Linux 7.3 (i386) is available since yesterday
(Nov. 15, 2001) afternoon (GMT) on ftp.suse.com in /pub/suse/i386/7.3
The size of that directory is approx. 6000 MB.

Because ftp.suse.com has very high traffic, we suggest that you use one of
our mirror sites - many of them (particularly in Europe) already have 7.3
by the time you read this. A list of mirror sites is available at
(scroll down to the bottom of the page).

Answers to frequently asked questions:
- SuSE installation support (support@suse.de) will not answer questions
  regarding the FTP-version of SuSE Linux
  Please contact feedback@suse.de for suggestions, bug reports, etc.
- ftp.suse.com is located in California, USA. Users in Europe are
  strongly recommended to use a mirror site in Europe such as
  or ftp://ftp.linux.cz/pub/linux/suse/
- the FTP-version of SuSE Linux is very similar, but not identical to the
  boxed version sold in stores. It has the same core
  (Kernel, glibc, gcc, ...) but lacks some, mostly commercial packages
- as of SuSE Linux 7.1, the FTP-version comes with crypto support
  (OpenSSH, OpenSSL, gpg, FreeS/WAN, etc.)
- the FTP-version includes the SuSE Linux reference handbook (PDF format)
  in German, English, Spanish and Italian as well as
  other SuSE-specific and general documentation in various formats
  and languages
- if you wish to try SuSE Linux without installing it, we suggest
  the Live-Evaluation version available as CD ISO image

  __ _                Daniel Bischof <ftpadmin(-at-)suse.com>
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