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From:	 news@dyne.org
To:	 lwn@lwn.net
Subject: :: d y n e . o r g :: newsletter #3
Date:	 16 Dec 2001 03:13:33 -0000

    keep updated about /\   \  ::headlines::
    our initiatives:  /::\   \ 
                     /::::\   \  .DyneBolic
    .free software  /::::::\   \  .TUBOCATODICO in tour
    .hacktivism    /:::/\:::\   \  .No \/vto radio
    .netecology   /:::/@@\:::\ n \  .FreeJ 0.2.3
    .workshops   /:::/@@@/\:::\ e \  .solidarity 2 CPA
    .seminars   /:::/@@@/  \:::\ w \  .staff upgrade
    .events    /:::/@@@/____\:::\ s \
    .code     /:::/@@@/ dyne.org   l \
    .zen     /:::/@@@/_____________ e \
            /::::\   \@@@@@@@@@@@@/\ t \
           /::::::\   \@@@@@@@@@@/::\ t \
          /:::/\:::\   \    /:::/\:::\ e \
         /:::/@@\:::\   \  /:::/@@\:::\ r \
        /:::/@@@/\:::\   \/:::/@@@/\:::\   \
       /:::/@@@/  \:::\  /:::/@@@/  \:::\   \
      /:::/@@@/____\:::\/:::/@@@/____\:::\   \
     /:::/@@@/ 16dec01  \::/@@@/   issue #3   \


                                        :: DyneBolic ::

=-.DyneBolic is now free to download! burn it on  a  CD
 .and reboot to have a fully featured GNU/Linux desktop
.out of the box: no installation required, works out of
.the CD and you don't need to change data on your disk!
. -> http://mufhd0.dyne.org/dynebolic-0.3.iso.gz (47Mb)
.and stay tuned for the next  release  featuring  modem
.support, GNUStep desktop, 2.4.16 kernel, more  keymaps
.and up-to-date dyne.org software with MuSE  0.6.3  and
.FreeJ 0.2.3 ...
.THANKS to our first  users  for  the  great  feedback!
.DyneBolic is now listed  as  an  "official"  GNU/Linux
.distribution on LinuxWeeklyNews lwn.net  and  received
.support from jux-dev project (netbridge.at), we'll try
.our best in keeping up the good work!
.join discussion -> mailto:dynebolic-subscribe@dyne.org

.more informations ---------> http://dynebolic.dyne.org

                             :: TUBOCATODICO on tour ::

=-.KILL-A-TV-TODAY --> http://tubocatodico.dyne.org <--
.           _______________ ROMA (FESTA DEL  SOLSTIZIO)
.coming up a new gig st'arring jaromil, pinna,  shezzan
.and miky ry + guest'arr marcello.
.THANKS go to AvANa NET and  candidaTV  and  of  course
.neural.it, SCUM, Anarres and the great ppl in BARI for
.precious suggestions on the last gig and in particular
.to maresa (giving us an eye) and  alessandro  ludovico
.contributing lots of good texts.
.next dates scheduled for JANUARY  are  in  the  centri
.sociali TPO (BOLOGNA) and BULK (MILANO) //

                                   :: no \/vto radio ::

=-.no \/vto radio aka  NoNewRoundRadio,  the  streaming
 .experiment for an independent coverage  of  the  last
.WTO in Qatar joining  the  efforts  of  Indymedia  and
.Greenpeace and of course our staff, concluded allready
.one month ago and now you can  browse  all  the  audio
.materials online  at  http://autistici.org/doha  which
.include direct reports from the RainbowWarrior in Doha
.and some cut ups  of  the  live  stream  by  indymedia
.studios all around the world.
.Indymedia now looks forward to offer a  stable  online
.stream infrastructure with the d.r.o.p. project - more
.voice to independent media! http://radio.indymedia.org

.                         ----> http://tazebao.dyne.org

                                      :: FreeJ 0.2.3 ::

=-.here we go with the last minor  feature  release  of
 .the 0.2 "ETNA" series, featuring tv-tuner support,  a
.new Simura effect (ported from Fukuchi Kentarou  code)
.and more bugfixes; and stay tuned! 0.3  "PRATERHIMMEL"
.release is near to be out (allready in CVS!) with  the
.final filter API implemented as a libtool DSO  runtime
.plugin, better resolution and new filters ____________
.more infos, download the src --> http://freej.dyne.org

.join the mailinglist > mailto:freej-subscribe@dyne.org

                                 :: solidarity 2 CPA ::

=-.we'd like to express all our solidarity to everybody
 .from the Centro Popolare Autogestito, the  historical
.centro sociale in Firenze which has been  evicted  two
.weeks ago to have instead yet another shopping  center
.           -----------> boicott the italian COOP <----
.among many other things @ CPA  was  hosted  the  first
.hackmeeting in 1998, we will never forget !
.        more infos -----------> http://www.ecn.org/cpa

                                    :: staff upgrade ::

=-. +Lobo - should we really say more? ;)
 .DyneBolic project will be boosted up, plus we can now
.offer quality consulting on system administration  for
.LINUX/*BSD/SUN platforms - just contact  us,  we  like
.problems! -> mailto:staff@dyne.org ___________________
.                             http://dyne.org/staff.php

......all the content of this newsletter is NO(c)......
....you're welcome to reproduce it entirely or in......
.........part, with any media and in any form..........
.....to (un)subscribe go to http://dyne.org/news.......

 . . ..  . . .. . . ..  . . . .. . .. ..  . ...  ... .
.  .  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .