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From:	 Steve George <gnome-summary@gnome.org>
To:	 gnome-list@gnome.org
Subject: GNOME Summary - 2001-12-08 - 2001-12-15
Date:	 Tue, 18 Dec 2001 01:32:43 +0000
Cc:	 gnome-announce-list@gnome.org

This is the GNOME Summary for 2001-12-08 - 2001-12-15
Table of Contents

1. GNOME 2.0 Developer Platform Beta
2. Compiling FAQ
3. Dependency chart
4. Evolution 1.0 released
5. Ximian Setup Tools power forward
6. GStreamer Release
7. A gaggle of glade articles
8. Is GNOME ready for the desktop?
9. Translated GNOME summaries
10. Hacker Activity
11. New and Updated Software

1. GNOME 2.0 Developer Platform Beta

Jeff Waugh announced that the platform beta was out and ready to be used. For
those that don't know, GNOME is internally split into packages that are
defined as being part of the platform and those that are part of the desktop.
The platform are those packages that enable developers to code applications to
the GNOME standard, so GTK+ for example. Whereas, the desktop are those
packages that end-users see as part of their environment, such as the panel.
The platform beta means that all the APIs are frozen (well almost) and that
application developers should now start using them. This will root out the
remaining bugs in the platform as developers port the applications users
actually see. 

2. Compiling FAQ

Got a spare machine or drive, an afternoon to spare and an itch to compile
GNOME? The compiling FAQ put together by Chema Celoria might be just what
you've been looking to get started with. If you think there are some missing
areas or have a question send them to him!  


3. Dependency chart

This useful dependency chart should help anyone trying to compile GNOME 2.0 out 
of CVS or from the recent releases. Complex isn't it! The GNOME 2.0 dotplan 
site has information on how to use the vicious build scripts to build the 
platform. For those developers that would rather use RPM have a look at the 
GNOME 2.0 Developer Snapshots channel in Ximians red-carpet. The Ximian 
packages are built on top of Havoc Penningtons gnomehide packages. 


4. Evolution 1.0 released

After 2 years of hard work Evolution 1.0 finally hit the download sites. 
Congratulations to the team involved and thanks, not just for Evo but for all 
the support you've provided to GNOME. The hackers barely seem to have had a 
quick sleep before moving onto hacking on the 2.0 release - amazing! So don't 
walk, run! to their web store and buy it now, ... yes stop reading, I'll be 
here when you get back. 

5. Ximian Setup Tools power forward

Tambet recently added a new font tool which enables you to install fonts for 
various backends such as gnome-print and X. The aim is to provide support for 
other backends such as ghostscript, TeX and staroffice. The tool previews fonts 
that you don't have and enables you to install them. Look for a release very 
soon now, in the meantime there are some screenshots. 


6. GStreamer Release

The GStreamer team released 0.3.0 with substantial additions to the core 
capability being added. They've also added a dynamic dotplan page which is 
generated from FIXME's in the code - a great place for any new hacker to start. 


7. A gaggle of glade articles

Eddy Ahmed and Ishan Chattopadhyaya proved that great minds think alike by 
releasing articles on using Glade almost together. As a GUI interface building 
tool Glade has to rate up there amongst developer favourites. These two 
articles give step by step instructions on how to get started - great work 


8. Is GNOME ready for the desktop?

James Ogley considers a question that vexes many Linux users. Restricting his 
analysis to examining the most common user needs of a Web Browser, Email 
program and Word Processor, his conclusion is we're "almost there". The main 
difficulty he identifies is that AbiWord has problems with some types of 
proprietary formats and tables. All the more reason we should try and avoid 
these in our daily lives! 


9. Translated GNOME summaries

As always we have translations of the GNOME summaries available. So linked 
below are French translation, Spanish translation and Hungarian translation. If 
there are other translations available please let us know. 


10. Hacker Activity

Thanks for Paul Warren for these lists.

Most active modules:
 110 gnucash
 101 evolution
 67 gimp
 64 gnome-core
 57 gnome-applets
 51 gnumeric
 44 gtk+
 41 gnomemm
 41 gnome-i18n
 38 at-spi
 36 web-devel-2
 30 gtkmm-root
 28 galeon
 24 pan
 24 libgnomeui
 23 gedit
 23 gtkhtml
 21 gnome-control-center
 20 gnome-db
 20 ximian-setup-tools
[133 active modules omitted]

Most active hackers:
 74 stano
 60 menthos
 55 murrayc
 54 peticolas (gnucash)
 52 michael
 43 kmaraas
 39 kevinv
 38 billh
 37 rodrigo
 35 film
 32 fejj
 32 jberkman
 32 rlb (gnucash)
 28 seth
 26 hp
 25 jody
 23 adrighem
 21 andersca
 21 israel
 21 jirka
[144 active hackers omitted]

11. New and Updated Software

gtex-letter  - Easy interface for using the LaTeX letter classes.
gictrl  - ISDN interface controller applet.
Encompass  - Light weight Web browser.
Gfax  - Frontend to the various Linux fax programs.
GNOME EDMA IDFWizard  - Tool to build EDMA Classes.
GNOME EDMA IDFWizard  - Class browser for the GNU EDMA system.
Atomix  - A maze game about atoms and molecules.
Tenes Empanadas Graciela  - Multiplayer turn-based strategy game.
File Roller  - An archive manager for tar and zip.
WxWindows  - Cross platform GUI toolkit with GTK+ display.
Gnofract 4D  - Displays slices of a variety of 4D fractals.
Gnotide  - Tide analysis application.
gmmusic  - Database front-end to store music collections.
Rubrica  - Addressbook application.
Coriander  - Digital camera controller application.
ham-office  - Application for ham operators.
gnomezine  - Magazine article indexer and searcher.
GLosung  - Biblical words for the day.
gretl  - Package for statistical analysis of economic data.
Guikachu  - Resource file editor for PalmOS pocket computers.

For more information on these packages visit the GNOME Software map: 

The GNOME 2.0 platform looks to be coming along fantastically well. There's 
plenty of news here and judging by the screenshots and diaries on Advogato it's 
in a runable state. So if you've got an existing GNOME 1.4.X application now is 
the time to start porting! 

Go Gnome! 
