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From:	 janice@omg.org (Janice)
Subject: CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS: Distibuted Object Security (DOCsec 2002) Workshop
Date:	 14 Jan 2002 11:08:36 -0800

EXENDED DEADLINE  - January 26, 2002

Sixth Annual Distributed Objects and Components Security Workshop
March 18 through 21, 2002
Pier 5 Hotel at the Inner Harbor
Baltimore, Maryland, USA

For the complete Call for Presentations and instructions on how to
submit a proposal, see

The workshop, hosted by the Object Management Group and co-sponsored
by Promia, Inc. and the National Security Agency (NSA), will provide a
forum for discussing the issues associated with securing integrated
application systems.

Interested individuals or organizations are invited to submit via
email, a brief abstract by of the presentation/position they are
proposing for the Workshop .   The Workshop Program Committee is
seeking proposals on the following topics:

- Existing and emerging DOC application middleware
- DOC applications and secure online identity
- Emerging security technologies and specifications
- User Case Studies
- Vendor Case Studies
- Academic or industrial research
- Research into techniques and technologies for specifying and
verifying security
- Realization of security architectures
- Integration
- Security validation
- Security Systems Management 

For additional details on the topics and instructions on how to submit
abstracts, refer to http://www.omg.org/news/meetings/docsec2002/call.htm.