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From:	 Kai Vehmanen <k@eca.cx>
To:	 ecasound-announce@wakkanet.fi, ecasound-list@wakkanet.fi
Subject: ecasound 2.0.4 released!
Date:	 Wed, 16 Jan 2002 23:27:01 +0200 (EET)
Cc:	 seul-pub@seul.org

Bug fixes related to LADSPA plugins and ALSA 0.9 support,
minor documentation changes.

Packages are available at:

See also:

CVS-tree is tagged with 'v2_0_4'.

16012002 (v2.0.4)  -** stable release **-
	- edi-entries: edi-12
	- added: docs - Documentation/manpages.html
	- fixed: ecasound.spec - dropped the hardcoded python 
	         module path that was passed to configure
	- fixed: seg.fault if opening wav/raw files for 
		 output failed for some reason (access
		 denied, etc)
	- fixed: misplaced tab prevented eci.py from working
		 with python 2.1
	- fixed: major bugs in interpreting LADSPA plugin 
		 parameter hint flags
	- fixed: memory leak in LADSPA handling code; was triggered
	 	 by recent versions of ecamegapedal
	- fixed: edi-12 - multichannel, noninterleaved ALSA 0.9 input
		 and output not working properly

 Audio software for Linux!