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50% reduction on the EXAM LPI-101 at Linux World !

With the assistance of IBM, LPI will offer testing for the exam 
LPI-101 at the Jacob Javitz Centre in New York - Room 1E04.

Cost for this exam will be a 50% discount - $50 US (Cash only)

(Exam 102 can be taken at any Vue test centre; http://www.vue.com/lpi
to complete the Level 1 certification.)

If you are interested, please contact me to schedule your seat at the
test site, (seating is limited) we are offering the exam 
at these times;

Thursday 31st Jan;   10AM   1PM   4PM
Friday 1st Feb:      10AM   1PM   4PM

O'Reilly has offered to give away the reference book
'LPI Linux Certification in a Nutshell'  
to the first 100 candidates for this evant.

(Results for this exam will be emailed to candidates within 
3 weeks of taking the exam.)


Wilma Silbermann
Executive Assistant
905 874 4822