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From:	 Alan Robertson <alanr@unix.sh>
To:	 Linux-HA Development List <linux-ha-dev@lists.community.tummy.com>,
	 ha-linux List <linux-ha@muc.de>
Subject: Announcing heartbeat 0.4.9a (beta release)
Date:	 Thu, 17 Jan 2002 23:45:55 -0700
Cc:	 Linux Weekly News <lwn@lwn.net>


We've put out the first heartbeat beta in the 0.5 series - 0.4.9a.

This release involves a complete restructuring to use automake/autoconf and
a new plugin loading system (consequently, it should run on many Linux-like
systems), and a new feature ("standby") from lclaudio which allows one to
force a failover gracefully. This release marks the beginning of the move to
restructure the project to become part of the open cluster framework. 

Lots of other good features, etc. and a good building block for the future.

You'll find it in the usual place:

Please check it out and give it a whirl!  We ran 500 iterations of the
stress test suite (normal for a beta), but it needs more live human type

It doesn't have Matt Soffen's change to IPaddr for Solaris and FreeBSD. 
But, there'll be more betas soon if that's your interest ;-)

	-- Alan Robertson