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From:	 Paolo Amoroso <amoroso@mclink.it>
To:	 cook-lisp@lwn.net
Subject: SBCL 0.7.0 released
Date:	 Tue, 22 Jan 2002 19:52:26 +0100

Version 0.7.0 of SBCL has been released. Major changes relate to compiler
implementation and optimization, behavior that ANSI Common Lisp explicitly
defines as implementation dependent, FFI, deprecation of some old operator
names, debugger user interface, better system test scripts, removal of old
CMU CL documentation and many bug fixes. The default object file extension
and version number have also been changed.

SBCL (Steel Bank Common Lisp) is a Common Lisp implementation forked from
CMU CL (CMU Common Lisp) which puts a greater emphasis on maintainability.
SBCL runs under Linux, FreeBSD and OpenBSD on x86 and Alpha CPUs.


SBCL 0.7.0 change log (most recent changes at the bottom)

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