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From:	 "Tom Kerremans" <harakiri@pandora.be>
To:	 <lwn@lwn.net>
Subject: Trinity rescue Kit v0.5
Date:	 Tue, 22 Jan 2002 10:23:50 +0100

It 's becoming a weekly habit, but once again, a new version of Trinity
Rescue kit has been released.
This time, minor new features but one MAJOR bug fix which should solve
most problems on machines not going further than loading their kernel.


-glibc 2.2.4 for i386. It turned out the problem for machines not
getting any further than "VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem)" was in
the ld-linux.so library loader which was a version for i686. There was
an instruction "cmove" that older Pentiums don't support, so "init"
couldn't start. Regards to user-mode-linux for pointing that out. Tested
this on an old P120, and it boots without a glitch now! I think this
also solves the problems with some SCSI machines, which I might have
mistakenly accounted the errors to.
-added cardmgr support for laptops. Still untested and unconfigured
however. Pitty my own old Dell laptop doesn't boot off CD.
-added "lspci" binary to show all PCI devices on a system. This
information can also be read in /proc/pci
-smaller ISO thanks to cleaning up garbage left on initrd image (filling
it with a /dev/zero file did the job). Now there is still space left on
the 2.88 boot-floppy.

All other (minor) bugs still stand.

Please send questions or solutions to trk@telenet.be
For a full list of features, how to use it and downloading instructions,
see http://harakiri.dyndns.org:2080/trk-howto.htm


Tom Kerremans