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From:	 Jason Kitcat <jeep@thecouch.org>
To:	 FD-Democracy@topica.com, FreeDevelopers@topica.com
Subject: GNU.FREE 1.9 has been released!
Date:	 Sat, 26 Jan 2002 17:56:13 +0000

Hi everyone!

It's been delayed by all my commitments and pushed back by all my 
distractions. But most of the wait has been because our objectives 
for this release were pretty tricky to implement!

What's new in GNU.FREE 1.9?

+ Bug fixes
+ FreeInstall now parses XML config files
+ XML config now means we support multiple types of election system: 
the first being Borda and First Past the Post (this is the big one 
and it's been on the TODO for sooo long).

All this means that we'll be working to including support for extra 
voting systems as time goes by. Also the XML infrastructure means we 
can do some interesting things elsewhere too.

So to download please visit: http://www.free-project.org/download/

Also see http://www.free-project.org/users/ for an updates FAQ.

All the best,


+++ The FREE e-democracy project aims to create secure, private, 
scalable and reliable non-partisan Internet Voting software protected 
by the GNU GPL. This software is GNU.FREE and is written in Java.

+++ Additionally the project advocates the Free Software paradigm and 
is supported by the Free Software Foundation as part of their GNU 

+++ We evangelise the use of technology to strengthen democracy 
within a holistic understanding of the current democratic malaise 
which is highlighted by trends such as falling voter turnout.

This email is (c)2002 the FREE e-democracy project 
(http://www.free-project.org). Verbatim copying and distribution of 
this entire email is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is 

This email was sent to: corbet-fd@lwn.net

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