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Rococo Software Extends Beta Program for Bluetooth Application Dev Tools

Dublin, Ireland – January 29, 2002 – Rococo Software announced today
that it will extend its beta program for Impronto Simulator, which runs
Java applications in a simulated Bluetooth environment, and Impronto DK,
a Java tool for developing Bluetooth applications. 
Rococo launched a limited beta program in December, 2001, but has chosen
to extend the program to accommodate growing interest from Bluetooth
developers. “We had very positive feedback from the original beta group
and are now ready to offer the beta to more programmers developing Java
applications for Bluetooth,” said Rococo CTO, Karl McCabe. 
The first beta product, Impronto Simulator, runs Java applications in a
simulated Bluetooth environment, allowing developers to simply test and
configure applications without investing in costly hardware and
Bluetooth stacks. The simulator is 100% Java and supports standard Java
APIs for Bluetooth  technology (JABWT).
Impronto Developer Kit (DK) is a Java tool that hides complex Bluetooth
protocols behind standard Java APIs. A wireless application written with
Impronto will run on any standard Bluetooth Java platform without making
changes to the code. Impronto DK works in J2ME and Java 2 Standard
Edition (J2SE) and includes a common interface to underlying Bluetooth
stack technology. Impronto DK runs on Red Hat Linux and PalmOS and will
be delivered for IPAQ later this year. To find out about Rococo’s
extended beta program or for more information about the Impronto product
line, contact beta@rococosoft.com or visit
About Rococo Software
Rococo Software (www.rococosoft.com <http://www.rococosoft.com/> )
enables mobile collaboration by providing the infrastructure to build
networked applications across a broad range of mobile computing devices.
Using key industry standards, the Impronto product line enables fast,
easy Bluetooth development in Java. Rococo is a member of the JSR-82
Expert Group standardising Java/Bluetooth interaction and is an
associate member of the Bluetooth SIG. Rococo Software chairs the Irish
Bluetooth Users Forum (www.ibuf.org <http://www.ibuf.org/> ).
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Julie Szabo
Media Relations
353 86 329 1662